The Perfect Gift!

Luke 11:13 -- "If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

To look at him, you'd never guess he was two months early and tipped the scales at a whopping 4 pounds and some change. Nor would you imagine that he spent his first month of life hooked to a machine that did all of his breathing for him. Towering over me with scruff on his chin because he hates to shave, my baby turns sixteen next month. His Dad and I have been brainstorming on what gift we'll get him for his birthday. We put a lot of care and thought into our ideas. We take into account the things Tyler likes to do, what his personality type is, and then we consider the things he might need - all manner of consideration goes into picking the perfect gift for our sixteen year old boy. 

And don't even get me started on the wrapping! I've been known to spend quite a bit of time on a single gift, making sure the wrapping is perfect and all the ribbons match [I often make my own bows] - only to scrap the job and start all over from scratch because something didn't look quite right.

The point is, there are few times in our lives when we haphazardly throw something into the shopping cart while purchasing a gift for someone. Then we usually do what we can to present said gift in an attractive package. Usually, much thought and time go into the giving of a gift to a person about whom we care a great deal. 

If WE put that much into a single gift - imagine how much greater attention to detail, timing, even presentation our Father must have where we are concerned. He invented love and care - we are capable of but a fraction of the true thing and yet, we care a considerable amount when it comes to gift giving. Just imagine how very precious it is to receive a gift from our Creator! His timing is perfect. His presentation pristine. The planning and care that goes into these amazing gifts matches nothing on earth!

So  how very priceless is it that we were given the gift of The Holy Spirit? It's the PERFECT gift! We'll never be alone, we have constant guidance, a never-ending hope, and a tried-and-true personal companion the likes of which the world has never experienced!

I stand humbled. I stand in awe. And I stand completely and totally grateful.


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