The Great Overcomer

II  Corinthians 5:17 -- "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come."

Riding in a friends car on the way to our Lady's Night Out I heard the song Overcomer by Mandisa for the first time.  If you haven't experienced this song, I strongly urge you to do so. It's on Youtube.

by: Kelly Babb Dalton - University of Florida at Gainesville
Mandisa has had a life-long battle with her weight. She once sat on the side-lines in the hope that one day, when she could be thinner, she could do some really great things for God. This hit home on so many levels it was difficult for me to concentrate on what my friend was saying to me as I dug deep into the lyrics and let the wonderful voice of Mandisa sooth some old spiritual battle scars. It made me wonder how many of us sit things out, waiting on the side-lines until we reach a point when we think we are ready to serve our Lord. 

When I have more money I'll be able to do things for God. When I lose weight I'll be able to do things for our Lord. When I finish school .... when I get the right kind of job .... after I raise my kids .... when I become more organized .... when I get my own place or my own car .... the thing is, God doesn't need for us to fight those battles. He doesn't need for us to reach certain personal goals in order to be an Overcomer. We ARE overcomers. RIGHT NOW! Because we are in Christ and we are now new creatures. The old things about us have passed away and we are now Overcomers for Christ!!

by: Kelly Babb Dalton - University of Florida at Gainesville
I know I have used the analogy of the butterfly before, but I can't help but think of how perfect an example it is of rebirth - of how we are when we reach out and accept the forgiveness of Jesus Christ. 

Once free of it's egg, the caterpillar does nothing but eat. It can't get enough food. There is a deep hunger that cannot be satiated. Ever searching for more fuel, the caterpillar spends every waking moment stuffing it's cute, and sometimes fuzzy little face. It isn't until it stops, wraps itself up in a cocoon and takes a long, long rest that it's deep hunger can finally be satisfied. It changes from an eating machine into a sleeping, peaceful little thing totally still and ready for it's transformation. 

by: Kelly Babb Dalton - University of Florida at Gainesville
Transformed, it breaks from it's nap-sack a brand new creature. It is no longer the deeply hungry little monster that wreaks havoc in our gardens. It is beautiful. It has purpose. It flits from flower to flower in order to pollinate plants and perpetuate another beauty God has granted us - blooming, bright and beautiful flowers - from which a few will produce fruit - tomatoes, oranges, cucumbers etc. The butterfly serves our gardens when the caterpillar does not. 

The butterfly, in God's grace, has overcome it's youth, it's hunger, it's moments of destruction. It doesn't wait until it's produced offspring or obtained the right career, received a college degree, or accumulated enough in it's bank account before it starts to serve. No, the FIRST thing it does when it's wings dry is fly off to collect nectar and spread pollen. It has already overcome.

Just like you and me. In Christ Jesus, we are overcomers. The time to serve, to start living, to glorify God - is RIGHT NOW. Not tomorrow when we feel we've achieved what we need to - but RIGHT NOW!


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