Rock Solid
Ephesians 4:14 --"Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe because someone has told us something different or has cleverly lied to us and made the lie sound like the truth."[LB]
The trick to coming out unscathed when a hurricane reaches and breaches our sunny shores - is to do what the fine weather people tell you to do. There are hurricanes that you can watch from shore. There are hurricanes that you weather from inside your home, windows securely boarded up and with the storm kit fully stocked and readily accessible. Then there are hurricanes that you survive by packing up the family and gettin' the heck out of Dodge.
Well, Florida residents who are REALLY in the know - do their homework. We research the most trusted and reliable sources of information then stick to our guns when the news bulletin breaks.
Does this sound familiar?
You and I have ONE true source of encouragement. ONE true source of guidance and information. If we want to weather our storms and come out intact - even strengthened - we need to cling to the ONLY ONE that stands Rock Solid every single time.
Lots of people in our circle of acquaintances and friends have lots of different opinions and can share lots of different little nuggets of advice. But there are probably few who REALLY stick to the truth in the Word of God. Our delima lies in our decision when it comes to whom we will truly listen. That's a lot easier than it might seem, at first. Pray for the Holy Spirit to fill you completely and to open your eyes and ears regarding the rock solid truth. Then when the answer comes in, don't keep looking until you find an answer you like better. Go with the truth the Lord has given you and STICK TO IT! Even if it's an answer you don't like.
Think about it, we were deceived in the Garden of Eden because we chose a "truth" that sounded better to us than did the real truth/instruction that God gave to us in the beginning. We as a species do this often, I think.
So - do your homework. Pick your circle of trusted friendships carefully and with much prayer. Then pay attention to the words of encouragement, advice, and accountability God gives you through them. In other words, pick your sources of information carefully and wisely. Then stick to the Rock Solid truth in Jesus.
If we do this - we'll come out shining when the sun pops out from behind the stormy clouds.
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