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Friday, March 27, 2015

God Is Awesome!

Psalm 118:16 -- "The Lord's right hand is lifted high; the Lord's right hand has done mighty things."


Peering out that dark before the sun wakes up, I hear the rain hit the dried leaves on the sidewalk. I am amazed by God's wonders, by the rain and the thunder. I am amazed by His beauty. Today I have been inspired to be thankful and am mindful of the Lord's mighty things.

Happy Friday! May you each have an opportunity to enjoy some of God's amazing beauty today. I'll see you on Monday.

exploring64:Beauty is always around us.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Hope Secured

Job 11:18-19 -- "You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety. You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid..."

image: "Camp Crame Bombing 1989"
Large dark columns of black smoke rose high into the air and the bone-rattling noise of jet engines shook the security bars on the long back deck that overlooked the pool. American fighter planes buzzed our dormitory en-route from Clark Air Base. From the safety of our sheltered home away from home, we looked out over our school in the distant hills and the smokey city of Manila miles below. The hollow pop of gunfire reverberated off the green hills around us and we stood there, dumbfounded as we watched the airport burn. Someone had binoculars, but I can't remember who it was. I only remember looking through the thick lenses out over the chaos of the so called "bloodless coup" of 1989/1990 and watching Camp Crame [pronounced krom-ee] burn as it was bombed by rebel forces. I remember wondering if my family in Davao City was safe. There was no way for us to know. All communication lines had been cut.

It was an odd feeling to be a bystander - a spectator - looking down on a political and volatile war between two factions in the Philippines. I would be lying if I told you I wasn't afraid. My nerves were wound up so tightly that I couldn't stand still - even to watch the jets dog-fight over the sprawling city below us. 

Our dorm parents called us in from the balcony and told us to remain inside until the fighting was over. Safely buried in the side of a plush tropical hillside, we climbed the stairs into the lower level of the dorm and began to play games, watch an American military channel, and pick at puzzles that had long since lost several pieces. 

When the fragile power lines fell and we were left sitting in the semi-dark den, our dorm parent took the opportunity to collect us all into a circle and join hands in prayer. I re-learned then what hope there is in prayer. As we stood there gathered together in the name of Jesus Christ - I was flooded with peace and a gentle calm gave birth to the confidence that God was in control. We were not forgotten as political tempers raged in the maelstrom of explosions and semiautomatic gun fire. Nor were we alone. God knew exactly where we were during the whole ordeal. And He kept us safe.

The battlefield may not always be as clearly defined as it was on that crazy day in the Philippines - perhaps that's why it might seem difficult to come up with a strategy where fighting the enemy is concerned, lately. But I DO know that no matter what happens - what evil things may occur or how lax we become as a society when it comes to our morals - that God hasn't changed a bit. His rules are still the same. His love is still the same.  ... and He still offers HOPE! We can lie down and rest because we have the assurance that God has everything under control. He tells us that in Job. He tells us that in Psalms. He tells us that all though out His Word. 

We don't have to be afraid of whatever tomorrow might hold. Because our awesome and mighty God holds tomorrow for us.

I take great comfort in that.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Silver Crowns

Proverbs 16:31 -- "A gray head is a crown of glory; It is found in the way of righteousness."

Image result for hair color bottle
Dry leaves crunched under Tyler's size four sneakers as the bright red smile on his Elmo tennis-shoes peered up through the deep green grass in Papaw Dalton's back yard. Bobby Dalton - a.k.a. Papaw - was raking the leaves that kept falling down like rain from the old pecan tree. Tyler mimicked every single move his Papaw made. Using a small plastic rake with a bright yellow handle, Tyler had managed to rake up several small piles of leaves and beamed up at his Grandad with eyes full of pride. Just tall enough to stand above his Papaw's knee, Tyler carefully raked at a few stray pine needles, not wanting to miss a single one of them. He loved to "help" Papaw do the yard work. And though it took Dad twice as long to get the yard finished with his youngest grandson helping him out, he never once declined Tyler's enthusiastic offer to assist. Those two; Tyler and Papaw - were peas in a pod. 

Papaw was easily Tyler's best friend.

I can still see the two of them together, rocking in the brown swing nestled under the trees. The bright Florida sunshine would glint off of Bobby Dalton's white hair and sparkle just a tiny bit. The two Dalton men would sit out there for hours, Tyler's little cheeks red from the heat as Papaw taught him to whittle sticks with his old pocket knife. I never knew what they talked about all that time, but I know those moments were precious. I don't think that the many decades between them mattered a single bit. And I'll never forget the stories Tyler would relate to me when he came back inside. There were Dad's own "little mean Johnny" stories, and stories about something he called a "grampus". There were stories about Dad being attacked by Mom's family "guard turkey" when he would go pick her up for dates back in Eastern Tennessee - before they were married in the small white hillside church. Tyler would tell them all - almost word for word, as we sat around the dinner table together. 

I learned a lot from Dad Dalton. And once, when trimming the hairline on the back of his head, I thought of Proverbs 16:31. A gray head is a crown of glory. Snip, snip. It is found in the way of righteousness. Snip, snip, snip.

As the silver strands peppered the floor around my bare feet - I thought; it's no wonder his hair is so white. I can say without a single doubt, that Dad walked in the way of righteousness. He led his family in that path. He taught his sons to walk that path. And he showed his grandchildren how to stay on it when the way seemed rough. 

I'm missin' Dad today. As I look into the big bathroom mirror and scrunch my nose up at the black and white roots growing up from under the long-neglected hair color - I hope I earn a crown of splendor. I pray that when my grand-kids "help" me with some household chore, they can look back and see glints of Jesus shine out from me as the light reflects off all the white in my hair.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Computer Trouble

Like every morning I post the blog,this morning I grabbed my cup of coffee and sat down in the office to do some writing. Today however, I was greeted by an error message on the computer. Since I find it nearly impossible to type from the touch screen on my phone, there will be no new blog posts until we can get the computer fixed..most likely Monday. I appreciate your patience and covet your prayers as I don't want to have to buy a new computer.

Monday, March 16, 2015

A Little Light On The Subject!

II Corinthians 4:6 -- "For God, who said 'Let light shine out of darkness' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."

Taking a deep long breath, I mentally slowed my heart rate down and made an attempt to hold tightly to the reigns of my frustration. I had dropped a tiny crystal bead six times in my effort to create Angelina Ballerina lockets for my youngest nieces. Putting my face to the carpet again - I was ready to admit defeat in the loss of the thing. ...And of course, that's exactly when my husband came into the room. A little tilt of his head and a smirk proved that he was a bit amused as he watched me crawl around on the floor for a few seconds before he asked; "don't you need more light?"

Grabbing a flashlight he began to slowly swing the beam back and forth in front of him and then - blink! - I finally caught the glint of the small round bead embedded in the shag of the flecked carpet. FINALLY!! Offering the love [and light] of my life a smile of gratitude I put the finishing touches on the little silver etched heart-shaped locket and closed the clasp.

Whew! That was an ordeal!

A little light sure does go a long way when it comes to revealing a thing that we really need to see.

There are several flashlight/light bulb moments in my walk with the Lord. I may have read a particular Bible verse a hundred times in the past but then all of the sudden - viola! - I get it! The application of it finally makes sense to me and the path before me is made clear with a beam of God's wonderful light! If occurs to me [at the age of 42, no less] that I should pray for understanding when I sit down to read God's Word. If I ask my Father - THE Creator of life and light - to illuminate the way before me, it might not take me so long to understand what He's trying to teach.

God reached way, way out to us through the blood of Jesus Christ in order to provide us with the light that leads us to the glory of Him! All we have to do is reach out and take hold of the beam. As my husband so rightly put it - don't we need more light? God knew/knows we do - that's why He gave us the precious gift of His son!

Why do so many of us [myself included] crawl around on the floor for so long in frustration...trying to find things in our lives? We search for meaning, purpose, fulfillment, joy - and that ever-so-illusive happiness - all seemingly hidden from us deep within the shag of our everyday moments. But we really don't have to keep groping around in the dark. God's already given us the light we need! Everything we need is brightly lit by the grace and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ!

There's light out there, already!! Go -- USE IT!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

10 Of 10 Things God Can't Do

10.  God Can't Stop Loving You.

Jeremiah 31:3 -- "The LORD appeared to them from a distance: I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. And so with unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself."

Image result for breaking up is hard to do quotes
"I just don't understand it." what I think she said - but I'm not sure I understood all the words correctly through the heart-wrenching sobs that shook her whole frame. "How can you just - stop loving a person?"

From the dark blue carpet with the brown flecks where I sat with my legs criss-crossed on the floor, my heart reached out to hers and ached with her.  In fact, we were all hurting with her - as each of us women had our own story to tell in this Divorce Care class. We all huddled intimately in a small corner of the second floor Sunday School annex and cried right along with her.

I'll never know the answer to her question. I don't know how a person can proclaim deep love for another human being and then one day - just - up and stop loving them. Don't get me wrong - I've seen it happen - but I promise you I'll never understand it.

Sitting there in that tiny room filled with deeply hurting women - I counted the hearts that reached out and held onto one another for comfort. We occupied but one room of that annex. In the rooms next door and across the hall were dozens of other small groups huddled in their own moments of prayer and comfort.

What is wrong with us? How can there be that many divorced people in one church? In one town, even?

The painful truth of the matter is - we are human. And in that humanity I'm not at all certain that we CAN fully comprehend true, deep, and unconditional love. I think we attempt to understand the concept - but only One really, KNOWS. And He gives it to us freely.

THAT is an amazing thing to try to understand. No matter how many mistakes I make, or how many times I fall short of the goal - God is ALWAYS, ALWAYS gonna' love me. He will never wake up one morning and sit upright in the marriage bed and inform me that He wants a divorce.

No, Jeremiah reminds us that God's love is eternal. It is truly unconditional and unfailing.

There is no THING on this planet more solid than God's love for us.

Just knowing that one thing makes me feel like I can take on anything!! Guess what, world?! I - yep, yours truly, here - have been drawn to God, Himself!! The Bibles tell me so!

I can't think of a single thing more important than that.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

9 of 10 Things God Can't Do

9. God Can't Stop Thinking About You.

Psalm 139:15-16 -- "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

image: Steven W Dalton 9/12/2011 Lunar Eclipse
Stray bubbles lifted up on the steam coming from the kitchen sink and gently danced around my head. The cats made an entertaining attempt to catch some of them but only succeeded in getting them to pop. It made me laugh, in spite of the scorched pot that refused to let go of it's grime.

I'd accidentally let my Quinoa burn on the stove because my mind was somewhere else. I was remembering my first official date with Steven. It could not have been more perfect....

The two of us headed out to my Grandmother's house where she, Grandpa, Steven and I strolled on out to the dock with deck chairs in tow - and sat back to watch a lunar eclipse. I can still hear the occasional splash as a fish jumped on the lake, and the pair of barred owls that nested in the big 'ole Cypress trees lining the long, green yard. The sky was clear and the moon reflected off the rippling waters of Doctor's Inlet.

Eighteen wonderful years have passed since then and every single day I count myself the luckiest woman in the world. I get to be Mrs. Steven Dalton for the rest of my life!

It's pretty amazing the number of times in my day that I catch myself thinking about my husband - or our kids - or our families. Just think for a moment the things that motivate you in your life: who takes top billing on your list? Isn't it someone you love? Don't you find yourself thinking about them often? Oh I can't wait to tell so-in-so about this - or - what would so-in-so think a bout that? I think it's safe to say that so much of our every day efforts are put toward the people about whom we really care a great deal.

Now just imagine how so very much more we are at the forefront of God's thoughts. I mean, He created us! He doesn't just know us as if we were His children - He knows every single follicle on the tops of our heads. He knows our skin cell count and how many flecks of brown or blue we have in our eyes! He knew our names before we were even born!!

And not only that - but He loves and thinks about us so much that He opened the gates of His heaven for us. He gave up his only Son in order to be with us!

That is truly jaw dropping stuff, folks!

In what ever circumstance we find ourselves, we have absolute assurance that God knows all about it. He knows how many tears have slipped through our eye lashes and down our cheeks. He knows how many times we've echoed laughter through our lips. And He felt every single one of those of moments. He knows every single one of our days before they ever come to be!!

What greater comfort, encouragement, and HOPE is there than that? Our Creator is thinking about us all the time!!

I'm proud! what can I do to make my life worth His time?

Monday, March 9, 2015

New Post Tomorrow

Forgive me for any inconvenience but the new blog will posted tomorrow, Tuesday, instead of today.

Friday, March 6, 2015

# 8 Of 10 Things God Can't Do

8. God Can't Abandon You.

Deuteronomy 31:6 -- "Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."

image: Karl D Babb "Susan in Sesami"
A fervent word of thanks arose into the silent darkness as Daddy left the tiny shack of an auto station in the deep wilderness of Africa. The Landrover had been giving him trouble, and just when it seemed he would be stranded in the middle of nowhere - the little shelter appeared - complete with a kindly mechanic willing to take on the metal beast and put her to rights.  In his rear-view mirror Daddy could barely make out the tiny light from the station as it disappeared into the distance - the miles between them steadily growing in number. There was no doubt that God had provided in Daddy's time of great need.

Daddy knew he was late to meet his wife and daughters. They anxiously awaited him in Sanyati.  But even as he fought the dirt road, hopelessly lost, another word of thanks was whispered to God. His family was safe.

Earlier in the day his wife and daughters were sneaked out of Sesami in the small, five-seated red and white Cessna airplane. The situation in the little village that had been home for so long had become too dangerous. The political heat in Rhodesia, Africa had reached a boiling point - and after much prayer, it was discerned that God was calling the little missionary family to serve elsewhere.  The plan was then set for his family to be flown out while Daddy and the two clinic nurses transported the medical supplies by a two-truck caravan. However, the vehicles had since become separated, and Daddy was struggling to find his way though the scrub brush to catch up with the group. Every obstacle imaginable seemed to be flung at him as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. Between the car trouble and running out of gasoline, Daddy began to wonder if he would ever make it safely out.

Concentrating on the path in front of him, Daddy was confronted with yet another delay as a lone man suddenly appeared in the dim headlights of his vehicle. A bit nervous, Daddy rolled the window down to talk to the man as the stranger approached the driver's side of the car.

"Did you come from there?" The man asked and pointed to the path behind Daddy. It was a confusing question because it was obvious that the man already knew the answer. Which begged another question - why was he asking it?

Again, the man pointed and asked Daddy, "did you come from there?"

Daddy nodded his head and answered the man "yes."

The stranger just shook his head and clicked his tongue. "many sweet potatoes" he said and again looked beyond the truck at the field from whence Daddy had come. Then he repeated, "many, many sweet potatoes."

The stranger did not detain Daddy any longer. For "sweet potatoes" are land mines and since Daddy had just come through an entire field of them without being harmed, he must be a powerful magic man and it could not have been in the stranger's best interest to mess with such a man.

I can picture beads of sweat popping out on Dad's forehead as he came to the realization that he missed every single mine in that field. There could be no doubt that God went with Daddy, the medical team, and the three of us girls as He lead us safely out of Africa.

I know it's been said of past events often but it could never be more true that we are living in uncertain times. It's true, we might not be chased out of the country by so-called Freedom Fighters, but the way I see it, economic and political futures have never been more tenuous. The wonderful thing is - we don't have to be afraid. Of anything. We don't have to worry about what tomorrow might bring because we know for certain that God can never abandon us. The Bible tells us that.

So -- if God goes with us -- of what do we have to be afraid?

Not a single thing.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

#7 Of 10 Things God Can't Do

7.  God Can't Create A Loser.

II Corinthians 2:14-15 -- "But thanks be to God, who always leads us in triumphal procession in Christ and through us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the knowledge of Him. For we are to God the aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing."

Image result for corregidor
A thick blackness so deep and dark that I could feel it press in around me was the only thing I could see as I attempted to stifle the rising panic crawl up the back of my throat. I clutched at my flashlight so tightly my fingers hurt, but I refused to be the one who chickened out and flip the thing on - breaking the spell.  We'd been sent back in time, momentarily - as we stood there in the dark, listening for WWII bombers to strike the earth overhead. For just a fraction of a moment, I actually thought I  could hear them.

I wasn't alone, I was in a group of fellow Outdoor Education students being lead by a senior in high school. But to me - a lowly 8th grader - it felt like I was alone in the damp, dank, darkness - buried deep in the side winding branches of the Malinta Tunnel on the Island of Corregidor in the Philippines. Our unofficial tour guide finally broke the silence and flipped the switch on his flashlight. "You see?" He said, looking at the walls around him. "You can almost picture the soldiers packed wall to wall in here with General MacArthur just down the corridor a bit - waiting to give out orders."

I thought of my grandfather, a WWII Vet. I wondered if he'd ever been inside the tunnel.

image: [inside the Malinta during WWII]
Breathing deeply I could smell moss, mold, iron, and that weird wet reptile odor. A group of guys ran down the tunnel ahead of us and scared a snake out from hiding - taunting it all the way to the entrance. I didn't like snakes, but I suddenly felt bad for that one.

When we reached the mouth of the Malinta I was surprised to see that it was raining. I inhaled deeply - pulling as much oxygen into my lungs as possible to clear away the stale, claustrophobic air of the old abandoned bunker. Rain never smelled so good.

I could smell green. I filled my nostrils up with the wonderful aroma of damp earth and growing things. I clung to the songs of the frogs calling out to one another as big fat rain drops plunked down on their heads. I took it all in. Every wonderful moment.

It was life. A stark contrast to the placid and oppressive atmosphere of the tunnel - life was bursting forth through the tropical jungles surrounding the island. Even a few birds dodged in and out from underneath the safe canopy of coconut palms and mango trees.

This morning when I read II Corinthians 2:14-15 my mind wandered back to our adventures on Corregidor Island. I'd never thought of the aroma of life before - but in verse 16 Paul goes on to describe just that. He says that to God, we are the aroma of life - those of us who spread the love of Christ to others. We are like life in a dying land. I thought of the life giving smell of a heavy rain and wet soil and the huge difference between the air inside the old tunnel and the air outside of it.

Suddenly the verses popped to life.

In Christ Jesus, God has given us eternal victory. Paul reminds us that we will always be triumphant through the blood of our Savior. God doesn't create losers. We are all victorious - but we have to claim that victory. We have to choose to be the aroma of life for those perishing in this spiritual war.

I wonder - and I hope - can others smell me coming?

Monday, March 2, 2015

10 Things God Can't Do: #6

6. God Can't Remember Your Past Sins.

Isaiah 43:25 -- "I, even I, am he who blots out your transgressions, for my own sake, and remembers your sins no more."
The room was lit only with the hazy blue glow of the television and the DVD player set to repeat an old History Channel special. The slow hum of the ceiling fan blades could barely be heard over the pounding rain and the wild winds outside. I told myself that the storm is what awoke me in the dead of night and the reason why my heart pounded so loudly that I couldn't hear much of anything else.

But inside, I knew that wasn't true.

As a Great Horned Owl shouted loudly in the woods out back, I wiped the sweat from my forehead and attempted to leave the bed without waking Steven. Checking on the deep and even sounds of his sleep, I crept out to the porch and enjoyed the storm.

It matched my mood to a fault.

Inside my head kept playing old angry words like a record player with a skip that makes the needle jump. I don't know why I can't put the ugly scene behind me - but now and then - I am emotionally brought back to an isolated beach nestled in an outcrop of islands in the Philippines - and I am a senior in high school again. I am looking into the eyes of a person I trusted and loved deeply - while her lips are giving me all the reasons she no longer cares for my company. My own eyes are filling up with tears and I wrestle with an angry reply that went unsaid. I wanted to argue with her. I wanted to call her back as she turned around and walked away. But I did nothing. I said nothing. I just stood there staring at the waves roll in with the tide.

I thought she was my best friend. For almost three years she and I were as thick as thieves, and now - at the end of it all - when our lives were about to separate with undetermined futures and post graduation dreams, I learned that there were so very many things she didn't like about me. A lot of them weren't even about ME, but instead were pet-peeves about my perceived popularity. A thing I had no control over, by the way.  And then she just left. I could still see her foot prints in the soft sand.

For seemingly no reason at all I woke up from a nice sleep at two in the morning to remember that scene. It doesn't happen very often - but it DOES still happen, and for the life of me I can't figure out why I just can't let it go. Why hash up all the hurt? Is it because I didn't get to defend myself? Is it because I never told her how much it hurt or what a deep betrayal it was to me? Or is it simply because I'm still a little bit angry after all these years?

I think of Isaiah 43:25 and a little something has me catching my breath. It's four little words in the middle of the verse that I'd never really thought about before. In this verse we are told that our past sins are blotted out and remembered no more - "for my own sake". 

Really?! For Jesus' own sake?

I guess I can see that. How deeply must it hurt him to know that he gave up his own life for us just so we could keep on sinning? What if he forgives us for a behavior to which we return from time to time - try as we might to avoid it? Or what if he just couldn't get out of his head the torments and taunts thrown at him while he hung in agony on the cross?

We would be no less forgiven - but I think HE would be down right miserable with bitterness and hurt. Could he love us unconditionally, then? Would he be able to experience joy? Could he revel in the arms of our Amazing Father if there were bitterness in the way?

I'm thinking not.

And the same goes for us.

Does my inability to let go of some events on our senior trip in high school prevent my friend from moving on with her life? Does it cause her to pause and offer up an apology?

No. But it sure does interrupt MY sleep. It keeps me from the true joy and amazing grace Jesus offers ME. It keeps my focus from the things that HE needs me to do as I wallow in my own self pity and emotional anguish.

No - it's no good remembering the pain that was so very long ago. I must learn to give it all over to the Lord. Every minute, if that's what it takes. Because HE should be my focus. HE should be my joy. He can't be those things if I allow bitterness and hurt to get in the way.

Aren't you glad that our Savior can't hold on to the past? I know I am. And I'm so very thankful that He will allow me to do the same if I only ask him to.