9 of 10 Things God Can't Do

9. God Can't Stop Thinking About You.

Psalm 139:15-16 -- "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."

image: Steven W Dalton 9/12/2011 Lunar Eclipse
Stray bubbles lifted up on the steam coming from the kitchen sink and gently danced around my head. The cats made an entertaining attempt to catch some of them but only succeeded in getting them to pop. It made me laugh, in spite of the scorched pot that refused to let go of it's grime.

I'd accidentally let my Quinoa burn on the stove because my mind was somewhere else. I was remembering my first official date with Steven. It could not have been more perfect....

The two of us headed out to my Grandmother's house where she, Grandpa, Steven and I strolled on out to the dock with deck chairs in tow - and sat back to watch a lunar eclipse. I can still hear the occasional splash as a fish jumped on the lake, and the pair of barred owls that nested in the big 'ole Cypress trees lining the long, green yard. The sky was clear and the moon reflected off the rippling waters of Doctor's Inlet.

Eighteen wonderful years have passed since then and every single day I count myself the luckiest woman in the world. I get to be Mrs. Steven Dalton for the rest of my life!

It's pretty amazing the number of times in my day that I catch myself thinking about my husband - or our kids - or our families. Just think for a moment the things that motivate you in your life: who takes top billing on your list? Isn't it someone you love? Don't you find yourself thinking about them often? Oh I can't wait to tell so-in-so about this - or - what would so-in-so think a bout that? I think it's safe to say that so much of our every day efforts are put toward the people about whom we really care a great deal.

Now just imagine how so very much more we are at the forefront of God's thoughts. I mean, He created us! He doesn't just know us as if we were His children - He knows every single follicle on the tops of our heads. He knows our skin cell count and how many flecks of brown or blue we have in our eyes! He knew our names before we were even born!!

And not only that - but He loves and thinks about us so much that He opened the gates of His heaven for us. He gave up his only Son in order to be with us!

That is truly jaw dropping stuff, folks!

In what ever circumstance we find ourselves, we have absolute assurance that God knows all about it. He knows how many tears have slipped through our eye lashes and down our cheeks. He knows how many times we've echoed laughter through our lips. And He felt every single one of those of moments. He knows every single one of our days before they ever come to be!!

What greater comfort, encouragement, and HOPE is there than that? Our Creator is thinking about us all the time!!

I'm proud! ...now what can I do to make my life worth His time?


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