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Friday, February 27, 2015

10 Things God Can't Do: #5

5.  God Can't Break A Promise.

Psalm 89:34 -- "I will not violate my covenant or alter what my lips have uttered."
It's almost hypnotic. That sleepy rhythm of the rubber tires hitting each concrete joint and the rolling, repetitive gentle dip of the car in perfect sync. I often get sleepy on the three point one miles we cross on the Buckman bridge at the Saint Johns River. Where the sun meets the surface of the water, a collection of bright sparkles glitter as if dancing on the tide. My Grandmother's diamonds, I have learned to call them - because that's what she calls them.

The clouds were gone. It had been storming all day but in the sky above us shone a warm sun through a deep, amazing blue - and in the distance, where a few straggling gray clouds were running away - there was a double rainbow.

I wish I'd thought to bring my camera. It was absolutely breathtaking.

The wonderful break in the weather made a smile spread across my lips. It had been gray for so very long, it seemed. I thought of Noah and what life must have been like on the ark with all the rain, rain, rain. How did they NOT go completely crazy?

But then, after the gray upon gray - God provided the very thing that had been lacking during all those soggy days - He granted COLOR! Not just any color - ALL of the basic rays across our visible spectrum. It was hope. It was joy. It was new! The rainbow came with a promise and it stands to remind us of ALL of God's promises to us.

I was reminded again of God's enduring faithfulness.

In Psalm 89:34 we see that God will not violate His Word. Not ever! What's more - in the verse just before that - we see that God will not take His love from us - nor will He ever betray His faithfulness! How amazingly comforting!! It doesn't get any more solid than that!! What beautiful streams of color!!

It does rain on us from time to time. Sometimes, it rains a lot. But we know a few things about this ever changing life weather of ours; we know it will not rain forever and we know that God will always, always love us through the cloudy days. ALWAYS!!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

10 Things God Can't Do: #4

4. God Can't Be Prejudiced

Acts 10: 34-35 -- "Then Peter began to speak: 'I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear Him and do what is right.' " [NIV]

There was an odd rhythm to the quirky wheel on my shopping cart and it took great effort to keep the thing from pulling to the left. It was all I could do to keep from bumping into shelves. So I wasn't really paying attention when I rounded the corner of the men's section in search of just the right socks for my three guys. As I raised my eye level from the hard floor and the damaged wheel to the rows and rows of socks - there ahead of me [before I could tuck tail and run] was the woman.

THE woman I used to know from church. The unmarried one that took advantage of a sick friend and ended up having an affair with her husband. I'm sure my eyes bugged out a little when I rolled them up toward the ceiling and attempted to pretend that I didn't see her. I even tried to turn my back slightly in hopes that she wouldn't see my face. But - as luck would have it - she recognized me and our eyes met in a silent, stale embrace. She quickly looked down at her own feet and mumbled something to the tune of hi and then quickly turned and walked away.

To think, there I was all worried that I would have to be polite and say something nice when I couldn't dig up a nice word in my head to express to a fellow sister in Christ - when as it turned out - I didn't have to say anything at all.

It broke my heart and my cheeks turned red from the shame of it. Not because I didn't get to speak, but because of what I saw in her sunken, dark rimmed, red eyes as she looked up into mine. She was sad. She was humiliated. And she was broken.

The Woman knew what she did was wrong. She was ashamed of her actions and hurting. Not only was it hard for her to square her shoulders and walk with her head held high because of the condescending and judgmental way she was treated by people she used to call friends - but - she did in fact love the couple that she'd hurt, and hurt in return from the pain of the whole ordeal. I don't know all the details - maybe she didn't mean to love the married man or turn her back on her friend. The only thing I can tell you is that I saw a great deal of shame and pain in her one stolen look when I bumped into her at Walmart.

What if God treated me the way I had attempted to treat her? What if my Savior didn't accept it when I said I was sorry and decided to pretend He didn't know me?

I'm not better than The Woman. I sin differently, that's all. A sin is a sin - and I would be crushed [have been crushed, actually] if I lost what few earthly friends I have over a stupid thing I did and later regretted.

Understand, I'm not defending The Woman's actions and I think all of us should feel ashamed when we do things that hurt our Father and our fellow man - but my point is - who am I to judge? What lily white environment did I step out of to refuse to acknowledge a hurting fellow sister in Christ? We ALL make mistakes and do dumb things sometimes. Should we all just stop talking to and loving one another?

I have to ask for God to forgive me when I exercise prejudice against people for sinning. After all, Jesus died on the cross for all sins - not just mine. I sure am glad He can't be prejudiced.

Monday, February 23, 2015

10 Things God Can't Do: #3

3. God Can't Stop Being Mighty.

Isaiah 6:3 -- "And they were calling to one another: 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory'. "

image: Tyler W Dalton
Streamers of bright pink and purple streaked across a twilight sky and made stark the shadow of the tall pine trees that lined the parking lot. It had been a busy day of family hair cuts, grocery shopping, and errand running - we all just wanted to get in the car and go home. But as our Chrysler beeped with the press of the unlock button, we couldn't help but take a moment and look up at the wonder of the sunset.

Glorious color ran through the clear sky above our heads and the timid twinkle of the first night time star blinked at us from the depths of space. How could anyone NOT have to catch their breath at God's amazing beauty? A brief scan of other shoppers mulling about their business had me wanting to shout out - hey, look up!! Are you not seeing this awesomeness? ...this wonderful and precious gift from God? Can't you just feel His might and His glory?

image: Steven W Dalton
I checked my tongue lest I be dragged away for disturbing the "peace" around me - but the colors didn't leave my mind all night. And it didn't end with the sunset! My husband stepped out to snag a couple of forgotten items [because there are always forgotten items] and when he came in he opined about the unique celestial setting of the deep night. He did better than rush in full of excitement and wonder - he took pictures! The moon seemed to be playing tag with Venus and Mars - ducking behind the shadow of our tall oak tree in the front yard. Behind it, Venus glowed bright like a Maglight and Mars echoed traces of red as they both swung in for a close orbit.

God is so AWESOME!!

I know it's Monday and the week is about to become busy with normal job/school/life stuff, but wouldn't it be awesome if we took a moment before all the chaos catches up with us and made note that: holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, the whole earth if full of Your glory!!

I stand amazed at the glory of God! I am in awe of His endless and all-consuming might!

Friday, February 20, 2015

10 Things God Can't Do: #2

2. God can't take on a job that He can't handle.

Jeremiah 32:17 -- "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you."

At the sound of the alarm clock I rolled over and longed to go back to sleep. From the top of my head to my very cold toes - I was tired. Facing the window as I slung the covers off,  I groaned and timidly put my feet to the floor. It was still dark outside. There should be a law against having to get up while it's still dark outside. AND on a Saturday, to boot! 

Looking over at my toddler still bundled up in dream land, I almost cried. How I just wanted to stay home with him and spend the day playing with his trucks and feeding the ducks at the park. I was so very tempted to call in sick to do just that - but the little voice in the back of my head, the one that had seen the month's electric bill, told me to get up and get to work.

Being a single parent is NOT fun. ALL of the everything is on one pair of shoulders. True, many have the support of family to help them out - but as I struggled to get ready to get to my second full time job, it occurred to me again - I was completely and totally on my own.

Before my little bundle of joy had his second birthday, my parents were called out of state to continue serving God with their careers. They strongly urged me to accompany them - but I declined, thinking that parental visitation would be a lot simpler if I remained in the state within which my former husband continued to reside. But as I bundled up my little boy against the snow falling down from a dark sky and put him in his car seat- I began to realize I'd bitten off more than I could chew. I was exhausted and was spending yet another long day away from my child.

A question kept rebounding off the walls in my brain; was I truly being the best mother for my baby? I never got to see him. Monday through Friday I had a 9-5 job followed by a 6-9 part-time job - and on the weekends I was 8-6 at another place of employment. It seemed to me that some things needed to change. I had certainly taken on a situation that I really couldn't handle by myself.

After great deliberation and much prayer, I finally decided it would be better for my son if I bit the bullet and moved back home to be near family. That is when my awesome sister stepped up to the plate [and to my rescue] and offered to be my room-mate in the great state of Florida. God provided for me in a way for which I'll never be able to truly express thanks. All I had to do was ask Him for help - instead of attempting to shoulder everything on my own.

I'm so very thankful for the mercy and grace of God. Sometimes I feel like a real piece of work where my Lord is concerned - and it's very true that I've made more than my fair share of stupid decisions - but God is so very amazing! There is no THING, no ONE, and no CIRCUMSTANCE that He can't handle!

Jeremiah had it right - Oh, Sovereign Lord - there is nothing too hard for you!

And I am so very, very thankful for that.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

10 Things God Can't Do: #1

1. God Can't Get Tired

Isaiah 40:28 -- "Do you not know, have you not heard? The Lord is the everlasting God, the Creator of the ends of the earth. He will not grow tired or weary, and his understanding no one can fathom."[NIV]

As the steam billowed up from the hot water in the tub, fog began to collect on the frosted window in the bathroom. I watched the flames of a single candle flicker gently on the wooden window sill, and I wondered if the candle would finally give up and go out.

Sure enough, just as the thick bubbles settled in around me, the heavy steam won the battle and the little dancing flame extinguished - leaving a small smoldering red dot on the wick and a thin wisp of smoke working its way up to the ceiling. I sighed. Oh well. I don't blame the little flame. Myself? I flickered out weeks ago, it would seem.

In the dark with my eyes closed I waited and hoped that the bubbles would work their magic on my achy muscles and ease some energy back into my tired bones. I'd had enough. Really and truly.

Those of you who know me - know that the past three or so months have been crazy. Between the end of the holiday season, both my husband and my oldest son having stays in the hospital, our car dying on us, and a slew of what seems to be an unending stream of other emergencies - I'm whipped. I kid you not - I still have a few Christmas decorations to pack away until next year . . . I feel like I should stop worrying about them because by the time I can catch my breath and get them picked up it will already be Christmas again and I'll just end up having to drag them back out.


I was about to sink under the bubbles and allow myself a long hot soak to wallow in my own misery and tears when I remembered something a friend of mine in the Philippines shared with me on Facebook. It was a short little list with a heavy impact on my exhausted soul. At the top in big bold italic it read - 10 things God can't do.

The very first thing on the list was: God can't get tired.

Ya now what? THAT's true! It says as much right there in Isaiah 40! So why was I sitting in a bathtub full of bubbles feeling sorry for myself as I tried to shoulder all this stress on my own?! We aren't instructed to do that! Have I not heard that God is the Creator of everything and never tires out? Do I not know that He isn't prone to weariness?

My head came up out of the water and I wiped the bubbles from my hair. There was probably a light bulb over my head at that moment - but I can't be sure.

Duh!! In the words of an over played Disney song - I need to let it go! All of it. My God CAN carry all of this STUFF. I don't have to do it.

My sweet Savior, in the name of Jesus Christ I give you all of my worries. I lay these burdens down at your feet and cling to your promises of rest. I know You have it all under control, so I ask that you take these here reigns and do the driving. Not only am I too tired to do it - but it turns out - I'm not that great a driver ....

In the name of Jesus Christ I pray,

Monday, February 16, 2015

Wonky Holes

John 4:14b -- "but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."

image: Mike McCoy/Australian Geographic Magazine
A moving and rolling sand seems to bubble up from the sea bed as a stream of fresh water rushes toward the surface of the ocean. Leaving a halocline, it's easy to see where the salty water is disturbed by the rushing current from the natural fresh-water spring. It's a Wonky Hole. And believe it or not - you CAN drink from it if you catch the water at it's source on the sandy ocean floor.

All along the Great Barrier Reef in Australia you can putter about with your swim fins and see the color, the corals, and the amazing marine life - AND the submarine springs that erupt from the sand below. It's a strange thing to think about and a unique thing to witness. When I think of fresh spring water I don't usually picture the Great Barrier Reef.

The thing is - ages ago glacial ice caps held captive fresh water rivers that used to run along the coast and body of Australia. These rivers were actually kind of buried by the ocean where coral and other critters made a home. Underneath all the colorful sea life there still exists pockets of fresh water - and where the coral is less dense, these waters bottle neck until they can break free through the sediment. It's geographically very interesting - even though it DOES kill off some of the reef. 

What catches my attention about all of this is the pressure it must take for the fresh water to erupt through the sand on the ocean floor. It's not a small amount of energy - tourists can feel the spring - like a soft jet in a hot tub. It WANTS to get out of the sand!

Kind of cool!!

I like that in the book of John - Jesus says that the water he gives us will be like a well that will spring up from us. It won't just flow, or pour, or trickle. It will SPRING! 

I can't help but think of all those Wonky Holes and the sand that seems to dance from the excitement of the fresh water that just bubbles up from underneath it! The light and love of Jesus - the LIFE - that he gives us also springs up! We NEED to share it! We need to let it bubble and dance and get all over the place!

Ya know what we need? We need to be a Wonky Hole for Jesus!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Mountain Cleaners

Philippians 4:7 -- "And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

image: The Dream Village by Danny Xeero
Nestled into one of the cliff  faces of Austria rests a beautiful little village with crisp edges, lush greenery, and ankle biting hikes. If you follow Scenic Walks Around The World by Reader's Digest - you'll discover this little hidden gem.

Following the narrator on film I found myself wanting to shop the internet for hiking boots and looking for ways to quickly reinstate my passport.

Hallstatt has got to be one of the most beautiful little villages on the planet.

Quiet and playfully lazy - the villagers of Hallstatt sit on park benches and drink up the sunshine, content to do nothing more than watch the giant swans chat it up on the glassy surface of the lake.  The ripples from the graceful birds are the only thing that disturb the reflection of the entire village on calm waters - unless you're lucky enough to take a boat out to the place and join in on the .... respite.

I have GOT to go there.

As the well-worn laces of the beat up shoes that belong to our tour guide crunch through the fall foliage on the village trail - our attention from the beauty that surrounds us is interrupted by a few men strapping into harnesses. After checking each other for what might be faults in the equipment, they give a grunt and ease down over the lip of the cliff's jagged edge. On the arm of each man is an old bucket and a chisel.

The safety of the villagers and tourists blissfully meandering through the village square below is entirely in the hands of the men scaling these rocky crags - these "mountain cleaners". They diligently check the mountain side for chips and cracks in the rocks and then break off any loose things that might fall and deliver some damage to the good people a few hundred or so feet below them. They catch this debris in their trusty buckets - and just like that, the day is quietly and painstakingly saved. The slow rhythm of Hallstatt can continue with nary a mishap.

image: Hallstatt -
The mountain cleaners aren't really part of the hiking trail. They don't get a lot of recognition outside of those needing to pass them by as they hike through the mountains to the next village stop on the long and winding trails. But they are of great importance. They guard the village from harm - even though the village might not realize it.

The fragile balance that can exist between the emotional beat of our human hearts and the logic of the brain that often guides us can be compared to the village of Hallstatt. There is beauty and strength between the two - as we set our goal on Jesus Christ, but there is potential danger lurking just around the corner, as well. At any moment a life-rock might fall and conk one of us on the head. We don't know when this might happen. We may even be napping on one of those beautiful park benches that face the bubbling fountain in the village square.

Which is why we need a Mountain Cleaner.

In Proverbs we are told: above all else, guard your heart - for it is the wellspring of life. These words make even more since when we consider that it's the one place - deep within our muscle and bone - where our Lord takes up residence. In Philippians, we are given reinforcements in this quest. We know that we can place our safety squarely in the arms of God. HE and He alone - has what it takes to be our Mountain Cleaner. We don't always have to understand how or why events unfold in and around our lives - but we DO know that God holds a protective peace that surpasses our feeble understanding.

That is all I need to know.

When you step off the boat and onto the old concrete bulwark that allows you access to the sleepy little village of Hallstatt, you won't see the mountain cleaners as they dangle from their ropes and catch hazardous debris. But you will sleep better in the quaint little inns near the village square because you know they are out there - buckets dangling from their arms and trusty chisel in their hands.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Perfectly Seasoned

Colossians 4:6 -- "Let your conversations be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone."

Ethiopian Salt Mines - Men walk with camels through the desert.
image: Siegfried Modola - Rueters/National Geographic
The ache settled in to my lower back and my eyes began to water with each smooth glide of my favorite kitchen knife. The onions get me every time. But I savored the aroma of every vegetable as I chopped and placed the piles of green, orange, and white into the large pot on the stove. In no time at all - the entire house filled up with the smell of fresh, home-made chicken soup.

One of my very favorite things to do - is cook. There is just something so satisfying about doing all the prep work, standing vigilant over the stove top, and watching parts and pieces of things come together to make the perfect dish.

On the other hand, there is nothing so disappointing in the kitchen as to get to the end of all that work only to find out that the dish over which you just spent two hours didn't work out and is not edible.

One of the simplest ingredients that can lead to either victory or defeat when it comes to cooking - is salt. It's taken me a number of years to get the salt just right in my chicken soup. The first few times I tried my own recipe there wasn't enough salt - and the meal found my family constantly reaching for the little fat chef salt shaker that stands guard over my kitchen counter. But when the perfect ratio was finally all worked out - there was nothing quite like the taste of the wonderful blend of celery, rosemary, white onion, and pulled chicken.

It's true - salt can make or break a meal. But, as I recently discovered - it can also make or break a people.

Deep in the Afar region of the Danakil Depression in Ethiopia, a camel caravan has been making the long hot journey from the desert basin into the salt market for hundreds of years. Left over from a sea that is no more - giant salt beds provide the Afar People with a livelihood. And just as in ancient Rome, this precious commodity has been used as a form of currency for the Afar - and is still considered to be their most valuable resource.

Ethiopian Salt Mines - Picture of a man holding a single bar of salt in an Ethiopian market.
image of an emole [salt brick] ready for market: Siegfried Modola
From this humble mineral - comes the true spice of life. Long has it been considered priceless. And in one instance underneath the Great Lakes in Michigan - when an entrepreneur decided to drill for oil but instead discovered one of the largest stores of natural salt in the world - he was not disappointed. He let go of his dreams to be an oil tycoon and clung fast to his large mine of salt.

Yes - it IS that valuable. All the way from the Danakil Depression, to Maine, to right in your own kitchen cabinet - salt is a highly prized commodity.

Doing a little research on the subject made me marvel that salt is generously sprinkled through out the Bible. It's used in verse 6 of Colossians chapter 4 to encourage us to be mindful of how we use our words.

What a unique way to tell people to watch their language.

What if we really DID season or phrases with grace? There is a beautiful balance in the mixing of flavors and seasonings when it comes to cooking and our use of salt in the kitchen. If we get the combination just right - the meal we prepare is fit for everyone.

I love that in this verse we are told that - if we season our conversations just right - we can talk to anyone.

Do you know what that means?

Essentially - our words are valuable. When compared to the fact that salt is so highly prized and appreciated around the world - it brings home the importance that Paul should use salt in his own words. A reminder that what we say can be so very, very priceless.

..... or - it can really, really ruin things.

Something to think about .....

Friday, February 6, 2015

Head Banger

Colossians 3:5a -- Put to death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature;"

There is no sound on earth like it and it can be heard from the living room: "Thump. Brush, brush, brush. Thump. Tap. Tap. Thump"

The cats immediately stop everything they are doing and run to the front of the house to perch in the window sill of the dining room. The cardinal is back. Sighing to myself I walk into the dining room and flip the light on. That usually stops the crazy bird from attacking his own reflection in the arched glass at the top of the large window frame.

Satisfied that I've taken care of the problem I walk back into the living room to work on my cross-stitch. Before I can even get settled back into a good rhythm, however - the sound starts up again. Only this time, it's coming from the glass arch of the front door.

Really?! That silly bird went out of his way to find another smooth surface from which he could see himself! I couldn't believe it. The dining room situation doesn't puzzle me as much as the front door. There is a decorative tree in full bloom with lush, full branches from which the cardinal can see himself in the glass of the dining room window. The branches brush up against the window - affording the cardinal a perfect view of himself. But there are no trees near the front door. He has to go out of his way to seek out the glass there. Either he really, really wants inside to play with my cats - or he's not a very bright bird.

I feel certain that one of these days he's going to break his neck.

The truth of the matter is - during this time of year both male and female cardinals become a crazy frenzy of trumped up hormones that create this overwhelming obsession with defending their turf. All across the Eastern US and much of Mexico - people have reported aggressive cardinals of both sexes attacking windows, car mirrors, and other reflective surfaces. They really can't help themselves. It comes naturally ingrained in their DNA.

A natural and normal behavior, however, doesn't protect the animal from sometimes fatal encounters with these surfaces. There is a long and tragic history between smooth reflective glass and all manner of feathered friend.

Through the years as I have watched my baby boys grow into college students I have seen them engage in behaviors/mannerisms that are nearly a dead ringer to those of their parents. Tyler's love for all things technical and Brian's sense of humor each ring a familiar bell and seem to have been physically handed to them on a genetic platter - strait from the loving hands of their Dad. There is occasion, however, when I see that these two gentlemen have indulged in some natural tendencies to which I really wish they weren't predisposed.

You and I have strong inclinations to some negative natural instincts, as well. And like my seemingly deranged brightly feathered friend - these inclinations may lead us into some serious, serious trouble.

Which is why Paul stresses so strongly - that we put them to death.

Let's face it - there is very little in our natural human tendencies that lead us to the good graces of Jesus Christ. That IS in fact, why he had to give his life for us in the first place. So it's  no wonder that Paul encourages us to really kill these instincts off.

Perhaps - if I daily pray these behaviors away and focus solely on my Savior - I will become less and less like the pretty cardinal that constantly rams his head into my glass archways. I understand now, why Paul says that for us to die is gain. I will be most happy to bury deep these negative natural tendencies. How about you?

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Just Tuesday - Part II

James 3:5b-6 -- "Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one’s life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell."

image: "Street Fighter" [1994] Capcom/Universal Pictures
It was a wonderful balmy Friday night somewhere deep in the South of Mindanao. The house lights were all on and laughter was floating up in wisps through the tops of the Mango trees and the thick air. A tape had been placed in the Beta-max and a group of guys poked fun at the characters on the bulky '80's tv screen. A comradery was founded there between this "band of MK brothers". One that would last a life-time.

As the father of the pre-teen party host entered the room to join the gang, he over-heard one of the boys talking about a girl at school. It would seem that the boy, Jason - had a small interest in one of his class-mates, Janet. [she was actually one of my class-mates, too.] Dad knew the girl and was not shy about his dislike of her. For whatever reason, Dad could not find anything nice to say about Janet. He looked at Jason through the blue glowing light of the movie playing in the background and asked: "You like Janet? Isn't she .... kind of big?"

Dumbfounded, Jason shrugged his shoulders. Was Janet kind of big? He'd never really thought about it. Dad's words didn't poke a hole in Jason's interest, really. But he decided to sit on his idea about asking her out. He wouldn't want his comrades to laugh at him for a dumb crush.  

The words that shot out like a cannon into the night on that simple Friday night DID make their way back to the young and budding Janet - as words will do.  And as the tears ran down her cheeks in the pink glow of a tropical sunset - she looked into the long mirror set into the wall in her bedroom. She could see no beauty there. Perhaps that Dad fellow was right. Perhaps she was too big to inspire compliments from young boys or - maybe - she was even too big for anyone to truly love. [those of us who knew her though, could tell you she wasn't big at all.]

The next twelve years of Janet's life were careful, painful years. She often denied herself the physical fuel her body so desperately needed to grow into full womanhood. She ran up and down the hills near her high school dormitory and became obsessed with aerobics. She constantly checked the size of her wrists and endlessly stepped onto the scale. When at the age of 16 - at 5 foot 7 - she  weighed in at 115 pounds, she was devastated. She'd not eaten for three days and couldn't imagine how there were still an "extra" fifteen pounds on her now semi-boney frame. To battle the stubborn weight, she spent the humid night doing laps in the dormitory pool. She would wake up early and go to bed late. Sleep would interfere with her metabolism.

At the age of 21 Janet was skilled at hiding the fact that she didn't really eat. She almost lost her first child during the first few weeks of pregnancy and so dedicated herself to eating for the baby. But after the baby was born, Janet continued her systematic starvation.

I still know Janet, though I don't see her often. She now has a great family of her own and a new life.  Perhaps she has put on weight now that she's learning to eat like a normal person, but she's healthier now than she was. She strives to set her value in the Lord and not in her appearance. But -- she can still hear those words play back in her head. Isn't she kind of big? She still finds no beauty when she looks into the mirror. So she avoids it whenever able.

I am reminded again of the movie Street Fighter and the villain played by actor, Raul Julia. In the tense but comical moments when he is faced with a ninja fighter bent on revenge due to some of his past villainous actions - he puts things into perspective for her. In her eyes is fury and pain as she recites to him a speech she's practiced since her childhood. She reminds him of the destruction of her childhood home and explains why her revenge is justified. But Raul Julia says of that fateful day long ago: "for you, it was the most important day of your life - for me, it was just ... Tuesday."

Raul Julia was trying to make the point that his actions were not personal. She was of no significance to him. He ravaged all the villages - not just hers. But to her, his actions were monumental and shaped the paths she would take for the rest of her life. He couldn't understand it - but he'd done something HUGE and terrible in her life. 

The Dad fellow in the deep tropical Mindanao thought nothing of his remark to young Jason. It wasn't a monuments well-planned decision to say those things, and he couldn't have imagined that the words would make their way back to the young and impressionable ears of young Janet. For him, it was just ... an opinion. Just words. Just ... Friday.

The entire book of James 3 focuses on the taming of our sometimes wicked tongues. He says in vs. 5 that: just as a huge forest can become ablaze by one tiny spark - so our tongue can damage another person. 

Isn't that the truth? 

I am reminded today to be careful with the things I say. My opinions might seem on the surface - to be trivial - but - they might be quite hurtful to someone else. 

Don't you wish they made an automatic filter for that?

Since they don't - perhaps I should daily guard my tongue and give it freely to serve my Lord, Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 2, 2015

Just Tuesday - Part 1

Deuteronomy 3:24 -- "O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?"

Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program archaeologists measure remains from a shipwreck that revealed itself New Year's Day near Mickler's Landing. They've since identified it as part of a 1947 shipwreck.  Provided by LAMP
images of the Deliverance today: L A M P

Even with a bright sunshine the salty breeze on the well-worn boardwalk to the beach had a nice bite to it. My arms and legs immediately produced goosebumps in protest - but I LOVED it! I think the weather guy got the forecast wrong when he announced it would be a seven on the weather-meter. I am fully convinced it was actually a ten. 

Feeling the sand under my feet as the icy Atlantic washed over them made me smile. It was the first trek to my personal haven in a very long time - and I relished every single moment. 
After investigating about 80 feet of a shipwreck on New Year's Day, archaeologists from the Lighthouse Archaeological Maritime Program identified its origins.  Provided by LAMP
To my surprise - the beach wasn't where we left it when the summer ended this past year. The boney ragged corpse of the old Schooner, Deliverance, [which sank in a Nor-Easter back in 1947] couldn't be seen any longer and the low tide mark where we collected shark's teeth was several feet under the breaking waves. The sand dunes where the hubby and I participated in Turtle Patrol were sharp and jagged - a clear sign that a lot of erosion happened very recently and in a very short amount of time.
This is the 1947 image archaeologists found in the archives of the Beaches Museum and History Park, with a note saying it was a “Bermuda boat wrecked on the beach.”
image of the Deliverance in 1947: Beaches Museum & History Park

I am reminded of God's might. His beauty. And His ageless, timeless strength. Who else - in one breath - could move the sand dunes from where they sprung up hundreds of years ago? Who else - with one wave of His hand - could cover an old British Schooner in tons of sand? 

In a strange moment of nostalgia I think of the movie Street Fighter and a character played by Raul Julia. As he stands arrogantly in front of a challenger bent on revenge - he looks her in the eye and begins to describe the first time they met. In typical over-the-top "ninja" fighter fashion, he reminds her how he destroyed her village and left it dying in the dust as he rode his horse to his next hateful campaign. He then says: "For you, it was the most important day of your life. For me, it was just Tuesday."

We are SOOOO like the revenge-focused challenger. When the winds blow and move the sand dunes or they scream and pluck Schooners from where they sail upon the waves - we FEEL like these things are important. They are life-changing in our minds and seem to trump every other event on the planet as this blue marble spins in space. Diagnosed with something unexpected? - important and life-changing. Have more month than you do budget? - important and life-changing. Get robbed or hacked online? - important and life-changing.....

But our God is so mighty that for Him? ... it's just Tuesday. He is greater than anything we could possibly face in our life-time. ANYTHING! For what circumstance - what force of nature - in heaven or on earth could possibly compare to the AMAZING GREATNESS of our God?

running late

Running late on the blog this morning, but there will be a new one today. I appreciate your patience.