Just Tuesday - Part 1
Deuteronomy 3:24 -- "O Sovereign LORD, you have begun to show to your servant your greatness and your strong hand. For what god is there in heaven or on earth who can do the deeds and mighty works you do?"
images of the Deliverance today: L A M P |
Even with a bright sunshine the salty breeze on the well-worn boardwalk to the beach had a nice bite to it. My arms and legs immediately produced goosebumps in protest - but I LOVED it! I think the weather guy got the forecast wrong when he announced it would be a seven on the weather-meter. I am fully convinced it was actually a ten.
Feeling the sand under my feet as the icy Atlantic washed over them made me smile. It was the first trek to my personal haven in a very long time - and I relished every single moment.
image of the Deliverance in 1947: Beaches Museum & History Park |
I am reminded of God's might. His beauty. And His ageless, timeless strength. Who else - in one breath - could move the sand dunes from where they sprung up hundreds of years ago? Who else - with one wave of His hand - could cover an old British Schooner in tons of sand?
In a strange moment of nostalgia I think of the movie Street Fighter and a character played by Raul Julia. As he stands arrogantly in front of a challenger bent on revenge - he looks her in the eye and begins to describe the first time they met. In typical over-the-top "ninja" fighter fashion, he reminds her how he destroyed her village and left it dying in the dust as he rode his horse to his next hateful campaign. He then says: "For you, it was the most important day of your life. For me, it was just Tuesday."
We are SOOOO like the revenge-focused challenger. When the winds blow and move the sand dunes or they scream and pluck Schooners from where they sail upon the waves - we FEEL like these things are important. They are life-changing in our minds and seem to trump every other event on the planet as this blue marble spins in space. Diagnosed with something unexpected? - important and life-changing. Have more month than you do budget? - important and life-changing. Get robbed or hacked online? - important and life-changing.....
But our God is so mighty that for Him? ... it's just Tuesday. He is greater than anything we could possibly face in our life-time. ANYTHING! For what circumstance - what force of nature - in heaven or on earth could possibly compare to the AMAZING GREATNESS of our God?
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