10 Things God Can't Do: #3

3. God Can't Stop Being Mighty.

Isaiah 6:3 -- "And they were calling to one another: 'Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory'. "

image: Tyler W Dalton
Streamers of bright pink and purple streaked across a twilight sky and made stark the shadow of the tall pine trees that lined the parking lot. It had been a busy day of family hair cuts, grocery shopping, and errand running - we all just wanted to get in the car and go home. But as our Chrysler beeped with the press of the unlock button, we couldn't help but take a moment and look up at the wonder of the sunset.

Glorious color ran through the clear sky above our heads and the timid twinkle of the first night time star blinked at us from the depths of space. How could anyone NOT have to catch their breath at God's amazing beauty? A brief scan of other shoppers mulling about their business had me wanting to shout out - hey, look up!! Are you not seeing this awesomeness? ...this wonderful and precious gift from God? Can't you just feel His might and His glory?

image: Steven W Dalton
I checked my tongue lest I be dragged away for disturbing the "peace" around me - but the colors didn't leave my mind all night. And it didn't end with the sunset! My husband stepped out to snag a couple of forgotten items [because there are always forgotten items] and when he came in he opined about the unique celestial setting of the deep night. He did better than rush in full of excitement and wonder - he took pictures! The moon seemed to be playing tag with Venus and Mars - ducking behind the shadow of our tall oak tree in the front yard. Behind it, Venus glowed bright like a Maglight and Mars echoed traces of red as they both swung in for a close orbit.

God is so AWESOME!!

I know it's Monday and the week is about to become busy with normal job/school/life stuff, but wouldn't it be awesome if we took a moment before all the chaos catches up with us and made note that: holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, the whole earth if full of Your glory!!

I stand amazed at the glory of God! I am in awe of His endless and all-consuming might!


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