Hash-tag Discord

"Any kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and a house divided against itself will fall."  [Luke 11:17 NIV]

In the brilliant heat of a Virginia August, Steven and I climbed the steps to the Governor's Palace in Colonial Williamsburg. Immediately hit with the contrast of deep dark woods, shiny brass fixtures and thick, embossed wall-paper, I was drawn to the steadiness, strength, and grace of the place. Built in the 1700's, it would be interesting to have a time-lapse view of the years through which that majestic structure stood. 

This incredible home has witnessed revolution, Civil War, the Age of Industry, and the birth and growth of a fledgling idea in government. It really would be spell-binding if those walls could talk. The Governor's Palace has witnessed some of our worst AND some of our most fierce growing pains, along with some of our finest moments as a brand-new nation.

Image: Govenor's Palace © vagazette.com

Since the walls weren't willing to dish, the tour guide provided us with some of the amazing history of the physical structure and a few details of the personal lives that once lived there-in. And though it was almost 28 years ago, I'll never forget what he said. He mentioned the discord between Benjamin Franklin and his son, William. [yes, I fell asleep a lot in history class, so this news seemed new to me. Sorry, Uncle Bill Hyde, aka my high school history teacher.] Discussing the surprising number of families that were split apart by either standing with the Patriots - driving for American Independence from Britain, or siding with the Loyalists - who felt the sting of betrayal on behalf of the British royal monarchy and wanted things left just the way they were. Our guide then went on to describe a not-quite-famous woman by the name of Debbi Read. Franklin's would-be wife was never able to legally marry him due to some pretty sticky circumstances on her side. Still, they were socially accepted as man and wife through common law, and Deborah became the stepmother to one, often cantankerous, William Franklin.

And what a job that would have been! Ben and his son Bill DID NOT, by any means, see eye to eye when it came to the political climate of the day. Benjamin saw and believed in the potential for independence from the crown across the pond, while William, on the other hand? mmmmm .... not so much. 

Ben Franklin: Joseph Duplessis cir 1752
That savy old phrase "happy wife, happy life" must be universally accepted as gospel truth because it was at this moment that our tour guide asked the group if we had any questions. My hand shot up [as if I were STILL in Uncle Bill's history class] as I asked: "what in the world was the dinner table like in this house?'  A few chuckles erupted around the room, but the tour guide looked me dead in the eye and said: "excellent question".

Really? I was just being a smart mouth.

After adjusting his position from the window sill, Mr. Palace Tour Guide let me in on a little Franklin family secret—the would-be Mrs. Franklin was a firecracker and most definitely ruled the roost. She informed her husband and son that they would check their politics at the door. There would be no political fist-a-cuffs at the family dinner table.   

I couldn't help the wide smile that spread across my lips. [Go, Debbi!] And honestly, I can totally relate. 

Watching my country slowly tear itself apart decade by decade as what amounts to what I have personally dubbed "the cold civil war" drags on and on while two radically different political parties try to rip each other's throats out, my heart aches. Is it really so terrible to sit down and talk things out? Is it possible to see the potential benefit of combining the best ideas from both parties into a stronger, healthier nation? Can we just, please stop screaming at each other for five minutes?

William Franklin: Mather Brown cir 1790
Alas, much like Ben and Bill, there is way too much stubborn pride for either party to shut up and listen. And while the donkeys and the elephants do horrible, shady things to one another, the peons that actually pay for all of this discord get forgotten. It's not happening for the benefit of We, The People. It's happening because - hate, power, money, and greed. 

People. It's not that hard. Agree to disagree and drop it. And it would be great if y'all could start worrying about healing a post-COVID broken people and national economy instead of spending all that money on trying to dish out the most dirt on the people with a different opinion than the one you're totin' around.

I liken it to the baby born with its umbilical cord wrapped around its neck. If action isn't taken quickly, the infant will asphyxiate. 

My baby brother and I DO NOT see eye to eye regarding the political climate today. But he doesn't do everything he can to discredit me, call me names, nor does he refuse to let me speak my mind. We check our politics at the door when we gather for family stuff. [unless we're pokin' light-hearted fun at one another]. And while I disagree with some of his political views, I still respect and take them seriously. David isn't stupid for thinking the way he does. He's not my nemesis [unless I choose to make him one.] We can still hang out and laugh. I will certainly always love him.

One thing that has NEVER...EVER crossed my mind? Pulling a gun on him to make him shut up. We don't focus on the things that divide us and try to rack up points with bystanders so we can "rally the troops to our cause." In any political [or just plain human] debate, there often isn't a definitively right or blatantly wrong answer to a question. No human is identical to another, so there is never gonna be a one-size-fits-all solution to a national issue. The farmer growing all our food out in Iowa or Nebraska will have different struggles than the hairdresser in downtown LA or the dentist in Lizard Lick, Arkansas. What our founding fathers were hoping we would all do as we navigate through this experiment in government is talk to each other and collectively come up with laws, management, and, indeed, government that works for the whole nation.

We are no longer a WHOLE nation. And trust me - as TCK [third-culture-kid] - I PROMISE you, the world is watching.

The WHOLE world is watching.

It breaks my heart to flip the boob tube on and be bombarded with images of the attempted assassination of one of our political figureheads. The salt on the wound came when I began to get a glimpse of our Nation's reaction to this horrific event. We can't unite under tragic circumstances long enough to even process what happened. Instead, we see cheers and jeers, name-calling, blame, and more ... and more ... and more of the same exact words and behaviors that led to this explosive tragedy. 

Borrowing a quote from one of my favorite films, Shawn of the Dead, but edited for the kiddies ... "everyone just needs to calm the cuss down." 

How in the world could anybody review the footage of the shooting in Pennsylvania and find it funny? Or poke fun? This is a human being. A fellow human soul. Actually, more than just one, as one of the rally attendees was fatally shot, and countless more were put in mortal danger. And how have we become a nation so full and fat on hatred? 

People. Turn the TV off. Walk outside. Talk to a neighbor. [But don't talk about politics right now, for cryin' out loud in the morning].

Let us get together and figure out how to fix the healthcare nightmare, the social security crisis, and the schools off to which we shuffle our children. Instead of sweeping our homeless crisis under some bridge somewhere, why don't we sit down as a country and figure out how to actually help? Doesn't that make more sense? Isn't humanity more critical than rhetoric?


Holy cow. Can you imagine what it would be like right now if the bullet hadn't missed? 

Can we just ... stop? I really think Saturday in this country was an opportunity for a wake-up call. It should have been an obvious wake-up call with no debate about it.. And really, while the elephants and the donkeys rip each other to shreds ... who's out there trying to prevent another actual civil war? Who is fighting this raging fire that has gone so terribly out of control?

It doesn't seem to be any of the talking bobbleheads on TV. 

I found one ... ONE ... investigative reporter who attempted a mixed-party panel to discuss the attempt on Mr. Trump's life. My heart ached with him as his entire point was to get both sides to see that they have played a part in this insane political frenzy. And that no matter where you choose to cast your vote, shooting an opposing opinion  - and that's what this really was - is NOT ACCEPTABLE. My shoulders slumped with his because no one on his panel could just say that. Which means no one on his panel was really listening. They were all too focused on their anger and who could speak over the other with the loudest voice. They were all so focused on pointing fingers and laying blame that they overlooked the tragedy. The real issue.

We are so divided; the noise is so loud and angry that people are willing to kill to be heard.

That should not be ok in anybody's book. No matter for whom you vote. 


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