Every Single Morning!

 "The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, his mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness". Lamentations 3:22-23 [ESV]

Odie & PopPop
Ear-shattering squeals of sheer delight bounced off the glass in the sunroom with such fervor that I'm sure it startled the neighbors. Our two-year-old granddaughter, Odessa [Odie, for short], could not contain the excitement bubbling up through her animated little body. She bounced happily up and down on the couch cushion, pointing at the tiny pink streams of light attempting to poke up through the boundary of trees in our backyard. Her little tummy pressed full onto the back of the sofa, and her little nose smooshed up against the window; Odie screamed, "Look, Mimaw! The sun is waking up! The Sun is waking up! ... Good morning, sunshine! Time to get up!"

Finding it a tad more difficult to muster the enthusiasm so freely shared by my vivacious little grand-tot, I could not help but smile - even without my first cup of coffee. Though, much like Odie, I have most often greeted the day well before it officially started, early mornings after a long sleepless night of a toddler coughing and then toddler groggily screaming at her own cough in anger ... tend to drain any bright, hopeful, energetic anticipation for an early start right out of a person. Very quickly, I might add. 

But joy, excitement, and energetic enthusiasm are, indeed, infectious, and before my eyes could even really fully open, I was pressed up against the glass, right along with Odie, encouraging the sun to wake from its very brief slumber. As the pink streaks began to widen, turning deep purples into teal blues, I could smile and get excited. Odie reminded me that every single morning is a light show. It's a beautiful deep yawn and stretch as the world gets started. While the crows start to land at the feeders, the Downies, Tufted, and Red-headed woodpeckers all swoop in, nearly avoiding mid-air collisions. The squirrels start to fuss at the woodpeckers and the whole lot of 'em are dive-bombed by a litany of agitated hummingbirds - I find excitement. This is a brand new start to the next twenty-four hours. 

God gives us this precious gift of mercy - Every. Single. Day.

How is it that I don't start every single day with a party and dance music?

Food for thought ... 


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