A Little Light On The Subject!
II Corinthians 4:6 -- "For God, who said 'Let light shine out of darkness' made His light shine in our hearts to give us the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Christ."
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Grabbing a flashlight he began to slowly swing the beam back and forth in front of him and then - blink! - I finally caught the glint of the small round bead embedded in the shag of the flecked carpet. FINALLY!! Offering the love [and light] of my life a smile of gratitude I put the finishing touches on the little silver etched heart-shaped locket and closed the clasp.
Whew! That was an ordeal!
A little light sure does go a long way when it comes to revealing a thing that we really need to see.
There are several flashlight/light bulb moments in my walk with the Lord. I may have read a particular Bible verse a hundred times in the past but then all of the sudden - viola! - I get it! The application of it finally makes sense to me and the path before me is made clear with a beam of God's wonderful light! If occurs to me [at the age of 42, no less] that I should pray for understanding when I sit down to read God's Word. If I ask my Father - THE Creator of life and light - to illuminate the way before me, it might not take me so long to understand what He's trying to teach.
God reached way, way out to us through the blood of Jesus Christ in order to provide us with the light that leads us to the glory of Him! All we have to do is reach out and take hold of the beam. As my husband so rightly put it - don't we need more light? God knew/knows we do - that's why He gave us the precious gift of His son!
Why do so many of us [myself included] crawl around on the floor for so long in frustration...trying to find things in our lives? We search for meaning, purpose, fulfillment, joy - and that ever-so-illusive happiness - all seemingly hidden from us deep within the shag of our everyday moments. But we really don't have to keep groping around in the dark. God's already given us the light we need! Everything we need is brightly lit by the grace and love of our Savior, Jesus Christ!
There's light out there, already!! Go -- USE IT!!
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