10 Of 10 Things God Can't Do

10.  God Can't Stop Loving You.

Jeremiah 31:3 -- "The LORD appeared to them from a distance: I have loved you with a love that lasts forever. And so with unfailing love, I have drawn you to myself."

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image: hubpages.com
"I just don't understand it." ...is what I think she said - but I'm not sure I understood all the words correctly through the heart-wrenching sobs that shook her whole frame. "How can you just - stop loving a person?"

From the dark blue carpet with the brown flecks where I sat with my legs criss-crossed on the floor, my heart reached out to hers and ached with her.  In fact, we were all hurting with her - as each of us women had our own story to tell in this Divorce Care class. We all huddled intimately in a small corner of the second floor Sunday School annex and cried right along with her.

I'll never know the answer to her question. I don't know how a person can proclaim deep love for another human being and then one day - just - up and stop loving them. Don't get me wrong - I've seen it happen - but I promise you I'll never understand it.

Sitting there in that tiny room filled with deeply hurting women - I counted the hearts that reached out and held onto one another for comfort. We occupied but one room of that annex. In the rooms next door and across the hall were dozens of other small groups huddled in their own moments of prayer and comfort.

What is wrong with us? How can there be that many divorced people in one church? In one town, even?

The painful truth of the matter is - we are human. And in that humanity I'm not at all certain that we CAN fully comprehend true, deep, and unconditional love. I think we attempt to understand the concept - but only One really, KNOWS. And He gives it to us freely.

THAT is an amazing thing to try to understand. No matter how many mistakes I make, or how many times I fall short of the goal - God is ALWAYS, ALWAYS gonna' love me. He will never wake up one morning and sit upright in the marriage bed and inform me that He wants a divorce.

No, Jeremiah reminds us that God's love is eternal. It is truly unconditional and unfailing.

There is no THING on this planet more solid than God's love for us.

Just knowing that one thing makes me feel like I can take on anything!! Guess what, world?! I - yep, yours truly, here - have been drawn to God, Himself!! The Bibles tell me so!

I can't think of a single thing more important than that.


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