That's About The Size Of It
I Corinthians 13:12 -- "For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known."
The table had been cleared, the dishes rinsed, etc. and the five of us scattered through out the house to go about the stuff that we do to wind down. Steven started singing an old tune from Sesame Street, and before you know it, we were settled in front of the television looking up old musical numbers from eons ago, laughing and introducing some memorable characters - who AREN'T Elmo - to our next generation.
Life is very often all about perspective. Some of the things we deal with look HUGE when we are up close and face to face with a problem that needs to be ironed out. Some crossroads we face may never be fully understood until we are called home and can ask our Creator about them. Paul explains this in I Corinthians - that for now, we may be privy to only glimpses of the big picture, like a reflection in a mirror, some of the finer details aren't very clear and might even go unnoticed until we can set our eyes on the true image. The REAL thing won't be revealed to us until our perspective can change.
The one thing we CAN know for certain, is that we DO know someone who has the map. We know the One who CAN see the big picture - the whole, true image. Our TomTom for this life of ours is in the hands of our Savior. We have but to ask him for directions and cling to the truth in his Word. If we shift our perspective from the winding road in front of us - to the clear, true voice of our Lord, we'll never be lost. Even if we can't see the entire map - we can rest confident in the knowledge that God has it all covered. All we really have to do is place of our focus on his directions.
That's about the size of it.
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