Ten Four!
Psalm 90:17 -- "And let the favor of our God be upon us. And do confirm for us the work of our hands; Yes, confirm the work of our hands."
The room lit up in electronic blue, the only sound coming from the Bible pages occasionally trying to turn themselves in the downdraft from the ceiling fan. Like the rhythm set on a metronome - silence - then fhwwt. More silence. Then fhwwt. I'd left the book laying open on the corner of the desk as I so often DO forget to put it back in the desk drawer when I'm through perusing it's precious passages.

Steven noticed none of this. His eyes were moving back and forth - sky blue illuminated by the computer screen in an otherwise dark office, as he read my most recent blog entry. I watched him from the thrift store sofa.
"I like this one." And I let out a held breath as he said the words I was hoping to hear. A smile bigger than the great wall of China spreading across my face.
Whenever I take pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard - I hope the words are good. That mental images, hopes, encouragement or expressions of endearment have been written well. But most of all, I hope with everything I am that I glorify God. I have to admit that I can't claim success in every work that pops of the gray matter behind my eye-balls -- but that IS indeed my goal.
Is this right? Did I portray the grace of God? Or did I simply spill thoughts and self-centered emotion in a jumbled storm of letters onto a previously white surface?
I absolutely LOVE Psalm 90:17. Confirm for us the work of our hands, YES.....confirm for us. The song writer pleas with God. Asks our Creator to approve. Tell, me Lord - that I am doing well. That I make you happy....YES, Lord, tell me this. Let me know. Grant me Your favor.
Very human of this Psalmist, don't you think?
It made me think of my boys. Of my husband. Of my sweet friends. Of my extended family.
Do I tell them - hey, I like this one! Good job on your class project. Awesome job for sticking it out at work when you're really having a rotten day. Good work, dragging yourself out of bed to start a new day when you're so tired. I like your choice of shirt. I'm proud to know you - I'm proud to share life with you.
Sadly, I fear that the answer to this question is that I really DON'T tell them these things often enough. If I - as a very human individual - appreciate confirmation. LONG for it. Don't also, the people around me?
I was reminded of this very simple act today. Well, the NEED for this very simple act. Confirm. Praise. Thank. Include these incredible individuals that share space with me in my gratitude journal ... but also... tell them that I've done so.
I can do that. I NEED to do that.
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