Love Song Grace
Jeremiah 31:3 -- "I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."
We must have looked quite the sight - all four of us huddled over the freshly cleaned glass on top of the fifty year old pin-ball machine - faces lit up with the warm yellow glow of aged filament charged with good 'ole fashioned AC current. [nothing florescent and green about this machine...]
No question -- the thing needed some TLC. But Steven knew a diamond in the rough when he saw one and made a B-Line for the nice lady at the front of the antique store manning the cash register, his eyes big and shiny like a kid in a candy store. He has always wanted a pin-ball machine. But even the ones that have yet to be refurbished and restored can cost an arm and a leg. When he returned with the price - his eyes were even bigger - and I kid you not - he all but jumped up and down right there in the middle of all those old previously owned treasures. He was finally a pin-ball machine owner. And not one of those new-fangled digital ones, either - but a bonafied Gotlieb from 1966 with a manual ball feed and two million feet of electrical wiring tangled around it's innards.
Joy upon joy - the four of us in this Dalton gang were watching the machine perform - bells dinging, score-board all lit up and metal balls bouncing off cracked and yellowed bumpers. You should have seen Steven's excitement when he found the replacement rubber kit and light bulbs and changed each of the old ones out with the care and concentration of a surgeon. Sheer perfection!
Like I said -- a little TLC. It now works like a dream -- HIS dream and he's as giddy as the family cats that jump on the thing when they hear it plugged in....ever ready to try to pounce on the ball through the glass.
This particular project of his - the time, the effort, the patience ... made me think back sixteen years to another project of his that required time, effort, and the patience of Job. Reading Jeremiah 31:3 this morning brought it all back....and inspired an entry in my thankful journal.
This man has a wonderful way of showing me the kind of love God has for us. And just like the joy and excitement over taking a fifty year old pin-ball machine and transforming it, healing it, coaxing it back to life to sparkle and ding again -- I was granted the joy of that elusive sparkle and fire-cracker pop when a girl is swept off her feet after a life-time of dreaming and hoping that one day the REAL Mr. Right will come along.
God does this. God sees what generations upon generations of sin and self-centeredness have done to His creation and waits, ever at the ready with open arms, to coax us back to life, back to joy, back to hope that shines and dings clear and pure. There is no love as everlasting as His. No kindness as unfailing as our Fathers. ...and yet, we find ourselves, often -- running away from it. Hiding in the back of the antique store with a dingy tarp haphazardly draped over us - embarrassed by the scratches, the dents and peeling paint -- afraid that accepting this wonderful grace and love will....what? Hurt? Be too difficult? Be more than we deserve? might some of those things. But -- it will DEFINITELY be joy. It will, beyond a doubt, be restoration. Renewal. Think about the words Jeremiah uses......EVERLASTING -- UNFAILING. What more hope and happiness could anyone want?
ReplyDeleteI know....God is so awesome!! :)