Flowering Weeds
Revelation 21:5 -- "He who was seated on the throne said, 'I am making everything new!' "
In this house of males - I am reminded of when the kids were little. Mother's day is just around the corner so I think of the mothers in my life that have shaped me into the person I am today, and naturally, I think of the three guys in my home.

I sit. No longer in a hurry and open a card [that I still have] and then I gently unwrap pink tissue paper. Twice. One: A bright red hot wheel with white racing stripes and a Coke label on the side. Brian beams proud - he found a Coke-a-cola hot wheel and I collect Coke-a-cola. I smile bright and hug him tight. Two: a small glass bottle found in the back yard. Tyler smiles from behind his passie and I am handed three small, white and yellow daisy looking flowers for the bottle. The boys picked them, just that morning -- all for me for mother's day. I hug my Tater and tell them both thank you from the very bottom of my heart. I put the weeds turned flowers in the small bottle and set it on my dresser. I later pressed these weeds into my Bible where I still find them when turning the pages to find a favorite passage.
I read today that: A plant isn't a flower but a weed only by function of its place.
Transplant the weed to the heart and it blooms a flower. Proud, pretty, and sweet. Love - it reconfigures everything. It makes everything new.
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