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Proverbs 3:5 -- "Trust in the Lord with all you heart, and lean not on your own understanding."

Jack: "I don't get this at all. I thought ....."
Lo Pan: "Shut up, Mr. Burton! You are not brought upon this world to get it!"
Jack shuts up - at least long enough for James Hong [playing the part of Lo Pan] to get his lines in. My three guys and I laugh and laugh - even though we've seen this film together at least a hundred times. We will, most likely see it together at least a hundred more. It's a classic. [I was informed of this by my husband. He would know as he has been dubbed the "Sci-Fi King" by local movie retailers.]
In the crazy action-packed world of Jack Burton, [played by Kurt Russell]reality - as least reality as it had been to him - was suddenly turned on it's ear and the muscled toned, rather clumsy hero of ours has to roll with some pretty bazaar punches. The thing that struck me when this particular scene played out was that Jack Burton, does indeed, shut up. He also doesn't argue with Lo Pan. He accepts the situation for what it is - and realizes that the truth is, he doesn't have to get it. He just has to move ahead.
Oh how this really does apply to us.
Glued to a history channel show the other day I found myself steaming at the ears. The crazy haired scientist spews forth several controversial, if not down right blasphemic "truths" about evolution and planetary history. He points out that one cannot prove God exists based on scientific discovery. He continued to say that all of the information we have gathered on the subject is inconclusive in that regard - and that one needs to study more in order to achieve true understanding.
Really?! Now, I'll give the History Channel a little credit here because it's at this point that we are granted an interview with the Pastor of a pretty well known church. The Pastor tells us that, trying to prove that God doesn't exist based on our limited ability and surroundings is very much like a character in a cartoon trying to take the colors and lines around him to try to disprove the cartoonist. Amen!, I thought and shouted from the kitchen. Very well said!
The truth of the matter is - I'm not put upon this earth to get it. I'm not here to scientifically prove Creation. I don't have to disprove the Big Bang Theory. In my way of thinking, it's a pointless debate. Because I trust in the Lord with all my heart. According to the Word that He's given us - God created the heavens and the earth - and that's ALL there is to it. I really don't have the burning need to know exactly how. That God created it is enough for me.
Trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own - very limited understanding. We really weren't put upon this earth "to get it".
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