Desert Rains
Psalm 107:9 -- "For He has satisfied the thirsty soul, and the hungry soul He has filled with what is good."

Looking down into the deep, dusty cracks of the desert floor, it's hard to imagine thriving life. With daytime highs well over 100 degrees and an annual rain fall that might fit into a coffee cup, the Mojave landscape doesn't appear to be fit for any kind of life.
But when the rains do come ... wiggling deep within the earth, safe from the baking sun, a Spadefooted Frog struggles it's way to the surface. Showered with precious water pellets, he sings. Belting out frog song from the bubble in his throat, relishing the storm, the frog is now in a race against time. Few days harbor moisture here. This amazing frog has to find a mate and breed, leaving it's eggs in a water puddle that might not last long enough to allow tiny little tadpoles enough time to grow legs that harbor their infamous spaded feet. Then they take their own turns, digging frantically to burrow deep into the rapidly arid earth, waiting in safety until the next desert rains.
But oh, for those brief and beautiful rain-drenched moments -- it's party time. Deep thirsts are quenched, Cactus plants soak up rain stores to keep them thriving for years at a time and of course, the Spadefooted Frog perpetuates life.
It's amazing.
In Psalm, we are given this image. This deep, dried out scarring of our souls that wait desperately for rains, for an end to the achingly arid thirst. And God provides. Satisfying in a way that only He can. God and only God forms the clouds that pile up high enough to soak up moisture, growing heavy, dark, and fat with much needed rain. He pours out life so the green can grow. So the frogs can sing. So the cactus can bloom.
Drink deep. Drink Long. Belt out praises to our Lord from a satisfied throat, and never be thirsty again.
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