Heaven Help Us!
Habakkuk 3:2 -- "I have heard all about you, Lord. I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did in years gone by. And in your anger, remember your mercy."

Not so today. Coffee cup in hand, java sloshing over the edge in my Zombie-like grace I push my way into the office and boot up the sleeping computer. It seems to be having issues revving up, as well. When the pixels finally warm up, I'm greeted with the daily ticker tape scrolling brilliantly across my screen, where I can catch snipits of articles pertaining to the tragic death of some of our nation's finest - the brave fire fighters that recently gave their lives so we could enjoy more of what this planet has to offer -- right next to the article that promises to explain why Selena Gomez is so emotional, how one artist can do amazing things with a salt shaker, and tantalizing tid-bits on the junk food habits of Jennifer Aniston.
Really? Who cares what Jennifer Aniston is eating and why is it just as important as the gut-wrenching article about our recently lost Smoke Eaters?
I sigh. I'm suddenly sad.

I'm just picturing in my head, world-weary travelers leaving the confines of giant wooden vessels, rowing to a shore that sparkles bran-spanking-new, motivated by hope, pushed by courage, clinging to God's Truth - and the newly found freedom to worship our Savior personally, creatively, FREELY from the heart. ...and somewhere, back on the old shores - a brave Martin Luther bruises his fingers slightly pushing a nail into the hard wood of church doors from which hangs the REAL mercy of God and His grace through Jesus Christ written by hand with blotchy ink on scratchy paper.
We have gone from a bean sprout of a nation motivated by our Faith, excited to share the joy and mercies of Christ - to a super power with 24 hour science channels that wax poetic about the big bang with blazingly brilliant colors and awe-inspiring imagery. Oh how we've GROWN! ...... away from God. Away from Truth. Away from Hope.
There are moments when it's too much to bare. Moments when I have to turn my face away from the noise, the colors, the LACK of what matters most.
I have heard all about you, Lord. I have. In spite of the chaos around me. I really AM in awe of your amazing works. I am in awe that you have revived the husband of a dear friend of mine - as they have battled his cancer together with praise to You on their lips and in their hearts. I stand flabbergasted - as your children rally together in prayer over a fellow home schooling mother and long-time friend as she is admitted - again - to the hospital where she seems to spend so much of her time. I marvel at the strength and energy You provide a child-hood friend that trots the globe in order to spread the news of Your Amazing Grace to those who might not have heard.

I am so very grateful for Your mercy.
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