Ticket to Ride
I John 3:16 -- "This is how we have come to know love: He laid down His life for us."
I'm still basking in the glow of Easter Sunday, remembering the sunshine, the warmth on my skin as we walked up to the church building. All the people mulling around in bright conversation to match the bright in their pretty Easter clothes and sunny Easter hats. The smiles. The joy. The celebration in victory over death.
This morning the sun is once again bright. As I drive my husband to work, I marvel at the simple and wonderful beauty of the sun sparkling off the ponds, the grass still wet with dew, and the deep Florida green that's beginning to pop out again after the brown and blah of winter. I love the feel of it. I love the hum of the world waking up, getting it's coffee and revving up for what the day might hold. And I remember this; that this is how I have come to know love......I have it because God first loved me.
Our Pastor gave us a story this past Sunday. I want to share it with you and I love to write so ..... here it goes, but I have to say up front, I can't claim the idea behind this short tale....as I heard it from our Pastor first. [I AM using my own words, though].

The smells and sounds of fun waft through the air. Laughter reverberates through the crowds and Dad prepares himself to hand out the tickets. The boys get in line, each taking a ticket from Dad. But at the end of the line, there are more boys than tickets. Dad was sure he counted right. But here stands the youth, holding out his hand palm upward in great expectation. Dad says: "who are you?"
The boy looks up and smiles. "I'm your son's new friend."
It takes a minute...but he asks the boy to wait and then purchases an additional ticket. Because, the child is a friend of his son.
And just like that, the new friend gets into the park.
And just like that, we get to, one day, go home and be with our Lord, because we are the cherished of God's Son. We get a ticket. Not because of the things we've done in this world. The good works in the name of Jesus or the sincerity in our repentance. Not because we teach Sunday School, dress conservatively or sing in the choir. But because a ticket was purchased for us.
Today - and probably always - there is a LOT of keeping up with the Jones'. Even at church. So-in-so has been teaching Sunday school for twenty years, so-in-so goes to the soup kitchen every Thanksgiving, so-in-so tithes every single pay day.....these ARE all good things. They are things that God has asked us to do. But more than anything, how is my heart? Do I give to look good? Do I give an unexpected ticket to a little boy who wants to go into the park because other people are watching me and I might score some brownie points in Heaven, if not in the eyes of the other parents in the crowd?
or - do I share love because I have it? I have it because God gave it to me. I get into the park because God bought me a ticket so I tell others how they can get in, too?
I once asked a woman more than sixty years old why she goes to church. And let me tell you, she goes to church every single time the doors are open. She stuttered at me and walked away. She couldn't tell me why. All she could say to me, is: that it's because we're suppose to. And that's where it ended.
It's true. We ARE supposed to. But we CAN and we DO because this is how we have come to know love. God laid down his Son's life for us. It's that simple. It's a matter of reaching out, palm upward in expectation, and accepting the ticket. The Jones' can take the ticket, too. And it's not a race. I don't wrack up points with Jesus when I outdo the Jones family. I go to church because I love the Lord. My works are nothing to Him, really. And while I'm sure He's happy that I give my faith feet, He doesn't need any help from me, really. But I DO, and I GIVE, and I LOVE, because love was given to me. And this is me, saying I love you, back.
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