Hope Draws Near
Hebrews 7:19 -- "For the law never made anything perfect. But now we have confidence in a better hope, through which we draw near to God."
In the State of Georgia, where the dirt runs deep red and the Bull Dogs rule - where peanuts are plentiful and the one and only true Vidalia Onion grows - it is against the law for one to carry and ice-cream cone in his/her back pocket if it's Sunday. I'm not sure what the fine is, if you should decide to break this law and somehow squish a soupy, sticky cone of dripping ice-cream into your back pocket on a Sunday, but it IS a law. Someone took the time, effort, and energy to ensure that this law was written in the books and managed to drum up enough support to vote it in. I would love to know the story behind THAT! And I want to know why there is apparently no law against carrying one in your front pocket.

We people can be pretty silly. And all of our efforts to build, to fix, to pen law -- have never made anything perfect. We just don't have it in us.
What we DO have....is HOPE. We have confidence in a better hope. This amazing, blazingly brilliant hope draws us near to God.
Times are so very different than they were fifty years ago. For example, we aren't allowed to pray in our schools anymore. And while some of the changes are GOOD....like, I'm glad people can't just light up their cancer sticks anywhere and share their lung polluting toxins with those of us who value clean breathing [no offense to smokers]...some laws, some changes, definitely fall into the "not perfect" category.
I use to listen to talk radio every single day. I had a few faves and just couldn't miss a broadcast. But lately, it's depressing. I don't tune in like I once did and I find that more often than not - I skip the news. It's just so very depressing. But....I have confidence in a better hope. Better than my chosen Presidential candidate or runner up for Mayor. Better than illusive tax cuts or the so called "reform" of our health care system. Even better than lower interest rates on home mortgages and insurance premiums. We get to cling to a BETTER hope. The confidence that this too shall pass. And really, very little of all of THIS STUFF matters because one day, I'll be going home. WE will be going home. WE will draw near to God and sing of his wonderful grace and mercy. We will shout it from the Heavens -- all of the wonderful things He has done and the wonder that He is.
That truly is a BETTER hope!
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