Gray Splendor

Proverbs 16:31 -- "Gray hair is a crown of splendor; it is attained by a righteous life."

It never fails.....half way through [or nearly half] the Avonlea Antique Mall I have to find one of their pretty little benches and sit down to take the pressure off my feet. It's nice that they have a cafe' in there.  We usually take the opportunity to have a slice of carrot cake and some coffee. The place is HUGE! And I LOVE it. The stroll through various antique establishments in and around the St. Augustine/Jacksonville area is one of our favorite things to do. [and lets face it.....makes a cheap date for the parents of two teen age boys].

My Finished Project
To  coincide with my designing jewelry passion/addiction - I like to find antique pieces that need a little help. A little, hair color and a face-lift if you will. Especially -- earrings. The other day I found this great pair of actual Ivory elephants attached to some dilapidated ear screws so oxidized with age that the screws wouldn't turn any longer and the ear-wires left powdery residue on my finger tips. I immediately goose-bumped with excitement and couldn't wait to get the pair home to my jewelry bench.  I knew exactly what I was going to do with them! Yup - these little guys were gonna' get a new lease on life. Their previous journey and adventures had come to an end as they were headed for a new design and a fresh take on fashion - to once again dangle with pride from a pretty woman's ears. [not mine - they are going to be a surprise gift for someone].

I've been listening to women lately. A lot of my friends [and I] have reached that golden "mid-life" stage of life. And some of us are a little wary of the adjustments and are faced with -- well -- with what to equip ourselves on this new hike, this trail, blazed by many ahead of us but so new to our own experience. We must change shoes, re-equip our packs, and are faced with the fact that gummy vitamins are no longer going to do the trick. [bugger]

For some of us - that means........dare I say it? Our kids are on their way out the door. [say it isn't happening already!! I'll believe you....just say it!].

So not only are we faced with a change in our equipment - but we'll be making the rest of this hike with fewer in our group than we once had. It's a little scary. [o.k. - it's a lot scary]. Our roles that we have so securely established over the past, say nineteen or so years, have changed overnight, it seems. Where do I fit in now? What I DO?

I can't specifically answer that question for you personally, but I CAN say -- God's got you covered. He DOES still want to use you to His glory and even though our children are on their own [or will be] - they will not ever stop needing Mom. [and you can look forward to spoiling THEIR children rotten! I, for one, am going to invest in a cotton candy machine - give my grand kiddies a nice little treat and then send them home! ;) Ha!!]

I challenge you - ask yourselves these questions and then look up the answers: How old was Moses when he lead the people out of Egypt? How old was Noah when he built the arch? [I'll give you hint - they were older than 40].

You? Me? .... like the elephant earrings - our station is changing. But we can still sparkle proudly!  We SHOULD!! We have been called to God's glory!


  1. Oh, yeah! My world is changing too and it's so nice to know that we can be re-furbished for our next calling. :)


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