When Free Really Means Free

Isaiah 55:1 -- "Ho! Every one who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money come, buy and eat. Come, buy wine and milk without money and without cost."

Image result for free food sign
Beads of sweat trickled down my back as I slipped my sunglasses back onto my face.  It often seems that there are no in-between seasons here in Florida. It's either hot and wet or cold and wet. While other states are decked out in beautiful spring blooms and mild, carefree temperatures that allow residents to brace for the summer heat, we've already had temps reach in the upper 80's with a humidity so dense, the windows fog up and drip condensation onto my flower beds. 

I'm not complaining. I enjoy a brisk walk in the thick air that carries on it the smells of the beach and wide open ocean from both the East and the West. Put me in a land-locked state and I'm likely to feel a bit claustrophobic. But looking over at the grassy knoll just beyond the air conditioned haven of T.J.Max I began to fret about the heat. I spotted a young woman with her rather hefty dog, attempting to find some shade under a thin Crepe Myrtle tree. No question about it - the dog was hot. Using the cool green of the Saint Augustine grass to alleviate the cooked tender pads of his feet, the dog further cooled himself by panting heavily. Large slobbery globs of spit connected his cute little doggie jowls to the grass as if several large spiders had jumped ship from his tongue to the ground. I felt bad for him and for the red faced young woman. My skin was turning pink and I hadn't been out all that long - I wondered how she must feel having been outside under the bright sun for what must have been hours.

I know,  and yes, there was a tiny little voice in my head that kept telling me that I should have kept on toward the car where my hubby and boys had already let themselves in and buckled up. But I couldn't help myself, I really felt that I was being drawn to her. So I ventured over to the girl and her best bud.

Can I get you some water? I asked. The gas station was but a few feet away.

"Nope. It's alright. I can't pay for it. In a bit we might make our way down to the settling pond and I'll let him get some water there." She replied as a nervous lilt in her voice gave away her anxiety.

"Ya know what, it's alright. I'll just pop over to the gas station and get you guys both a large bottle of water." I turned around and headed for the little convenience shop before she could protest and quickly returned with three bottles of water and a couple of quick-stop sandwiches. 

She looked up at me with an odd expression. "I really can't take these. I have no way to pay you back. I'm living out of my car right now and was in this area looking for a job. I'm just taking a break to check on my dog."

I smiled at her and placed the small hap-hazard pic-nick at her feet. "It's really alright," I said. "I don't mind giving them to you. You don't owe me anything.

"Thank you." She stammered. Her growling stomach and bright red cheeks weren't about to allow her to pass up food and nice cool water so she quickly unwrapped the sandwiches and split them between her and the cute but scruffy mutt.

As my family pulled up behind me in our car I heard her say something about nothing ever being really free. But the thing is - there IS ONE thing that's always free.  God so very freely loves us through the blood of Jesus Christ. It's impossible for me to earn His love. I'll never, ever measure up. That's what makes it a gift. His mercy IS REALLY FREE. I have but to accept it.

I can dine with my Savior at His table because He's already purchased my ticket. I have no thing valuable enough to buy my way to the table - but I am welcome - because Jesus took my sins with him to the grave and bought me a place setting at the banquet.

We have a place in Heaven with Jesus. The Bible reminds us of this in Isaiah.

What a beautiful, beautiful thing!!


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