Kermit The Frog Frog

Psalm 118:16 -- "The Lord's right hand is lifted high; the Lord's right hand has done mighty things."

Lush vibrant plant life, heavy air pregnant with moisture, and a muffled cacophony of insects and birds are some pretty typical characteristics of tropical jungles the world over. Climbing through dense undergrowth on the hillsides at the foot of Mt. Apo in Davao, Philippines was an adventure I took for granted growing up. There was no end to the magnificent wild life we witnessed as we hacked and slashed our way through banana branches, giant elephant ear plants, and the ropey roots of banyan trees. At times the air around us was so dense it would drip down the viney base of large trees and we could cup our hands to catch some drinking water when the heat zapped us of energy.

Countless adventures took place under the green canopy of our favorite childhood haunts. We found abandoned mine shafts, WWII amo casings, giant spiders, and an old concrete enclosure the Japanese left behind that we dubbed "the Janapense Swimming Pool". And though the thing would fill up nicely with rain water at times, the locals managed to convert it into a pretty decent basketball court.

I took for granted the beautiful life growing all around me. Not once do I remember looking for new species of animals. It's a pitty - I bet there was a treasure trove of biology under our feet and crawling about the vibrant plant life surrounding us.

Last week in the wilds of the Costa Rican Jungles a new species of glass frog was discovered. Can you believe that?! A new frog! Not since 1973 has a new species of frog been found there. It's amazing! I wonder where it's been hiding all these years?

As I read the article my hubby found regarding the cute little bugger I couldn't help but laugh out loud. They call him the Kermit The Frog frog - because of the uncanny resemblance to our favorite Sesame Street host and On-site Muppet reporter. Cute, right?

In my forty-two years of life on this planet, there has been no end to the wonders of God's right hand. From the brilliant comet Shoemaker/Levy 9 breaking up and crashing into Jupiter, to Challenger Deep discoveries, and the Kermit Frog frog - I will never stop finding myself in complete awe at the wonders of my Lord.

God is so very AWESOME!!


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