Shake It Baby [part 2]

Acts 22:15 -- "For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard."

In deep concentration I reached out to pluck the small berry-like fruit from the tree that grew next to our neighbor's house in Sesame, Africa. Try as I might, I cannot remember the name of the thing but I DO remember it was wonderfully sweet and sometimes, a little tangy. Such powerful flavor from a tiny little fruit!

Hearing a loud noise I stopped to peek up into the bright blue sky, squinting in an effort to shield my eyes from the blazing sun. I thought I'd see a small plane like the one that carried us into civilization to get groceries. To my astonishment, however, a large solitary dark cloud roared overhead flowing smoothly like a blob of oil on the water's surface. I'd never seen anything like it before - and I can tell you - it was the loudest cloud I've ever heard.

It was then that fellow missionary, Janet Steiger, came out from the house and urgently told me to come inside. I can still feel my shoulders hunching over in disappointment as I stood there, not wanting to miss a single moment of the action - looking back at the buzzing oil slick in the sky as she guided me into the house. She explained it wasn't a cloud at all, but a swarm of bees. It was best to stay indoors until they'd passed.

Having experienced the African Honey Bee first-hand in an earlier adventure - I did not argue with Janet but did exactly as she'd asked and tried to do my watching from behind the safety of the windows. I could no longer see them, but I will never forget what Janet told me about the bees:

When a "brood" of bees outgrows their hive, scouts are sent out in all directions on a mission to find the best place for relocation.When each scout returns, they share information about the new potential sight. They do this the same way they tell each other where to find food - by doing a "waggle dance". It might look like the bee is having some kind of weird seizure, but in fact, as she shakes her little buzzing tush - she is drawing out a map and precise instructions. The brood then considers the information from each scout and puts it all to a vote. When a decision is reached they all leave the hive at the same time in a "bee line" to the new location. Then they build a brand new hive.

At first, I thought Janet was making this all up for my entertainment - but I have since learned she was in fact, telling me the truth. Since that afternoon in the wilds of Africa I have seen this waggle dance for myself. It's quite fascinating in it's simplistic beauty - and let's face it, kind of funny, too. How can a shaking, buzzing backside lead to sophistic communication? ...God's creation is downright amazing!

The bees never get the dance wrong. NEVER! Each little tail shake is perfectly timed and choreographed. I often wonder if they use the time in-flight back home to practice the moves in their tiny little bee brains - because once they get back home - it's strait to the dancing, without so much as a coffee break. In their amazing little waggles they bear witness to the hive using every effort to preserve lives. It's just so fascinating!

It's really no wonder that I think of Acts 22:15 when I see the waggle dance. Each of us bears witness for the Ultimate Life Saver - Jesus Christ. Our most important job is to get the dance right. It really IS a matter of life and death - on a HUGE scale! We aren't just talking about a relocation or life improvement. We are talking about eternity. We are talking about a soul - living, thriving, rejoicing in a reunion with our Creator. Our waggle dance has to be exactly on target.

Am I on target? What am I really saying? Can people see Jesus in me when things "shake out"?


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