The Lifetime Achievement Award
I John 3:2 -- "We can't even imagine what we will be like when Christ returns. But we do know that when he comes we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is."

As Peter stood facing thousands of people, camera lights reflecting in his bold blue yes, I could see a look of what could almost be described as determination on his face. The British stiff upper lip did nothing to hide the fire underneath the surface, the character that makes Peter O'Toole so great. He didn't walk out of the gilded swaray with his shoulders hunched and his head bent down in defeat due to his lack of win. No. Though the powers that be at the Academy have YET to honor Peter with an Oscar - he walked out of the building with his head held high, determined to do his best for his next roll - whatever that might be. His body of work - is - a work in progress.
Not that this wonderful actor NEEDS an academy award to collect dust on his shelf and remind him of his outstanding film accomplishments. He truly needs no feather in his cap to point out his talent and his professionalism. His film career does that for him and the manner with which he works speaks louder than any metallic trophy ever will. Just watch him in films like the Rainbow Thief and Troy to get a good cross section of this man's acting chops. His character was never more keen than when he refused knighthood for personal political reasons. Nope, no feather needed here ....
I could probably write a book about this favored actor - but the real issue for which I have chosen Mr. O'Toole to carry this blog is actual work - and the fact that in spite of calling himself retired - he still works. Not for glory, not for recognition from the Academy - but because his real lifetime achievement will not wrap and "can" until his actual life is over. We have no idea within what film Mr. O'Toole might be cast next. We will have to wait and see.
You and I have a pretty hard time trying to conjure up what we might look like or list the things we might achieve by the time our Savior calls us home. Our lifetime achievement award will not be dolled out until our lifetime is actually over. But that doesn't meet we should slump our shoulders or get a little slack in our progress. No, it means our focus should remain keen on our lifetime achievement. We have but a short time on this earth - we need to use what moments we have been gifted to do as much as we can for Jesus.
One of the things I like about Peter O'Toole is that he never quit giving his all. No matter the roll he plays, he puts all of himself into it - even though he realizes he's probably not going to win an Academy Award for Best Actor this time around, either --- he works as though it's a possibility. I'm fairly confident that when King Ralph hit the theaters Peter O'Toole wasn't thinking: this is it .... this is my ticket to Academy Gold. But his Character in that film is no less played than his character in Lawrence of Arabia.
Each of us has a roll to play while this big blue marble keeps spinning on it's axis. We cannot compare our part to the part played by fellow Christians - we are not each given the exact same duty. We may work furiously only to discover that no one noticed ..... We CAN take a tip from the great Peter O'Toole - an no matter WHO might be watching - even if NO ONE is - we can still put everything we've got into our performance. When Jesus comes back to get us - we'll be able to look back and see our lifetime achievement - our reward will be that we finally get to be WITH our Savior.
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