A Jolt Of Joy!
Isaiah 62:5 -- "As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you."

There is something remarkable about the warm glow of a well lit Christmas tree and a quiet cup of coffee before the rest of the world wakes up. There is the sweet excitement of a fresh day and holiday effervescence hanging in the air along with the nostalgic aroma of freshly-cut pine.
Definitely a season for joy. Time to TAKE the time to reflect and be thankful.
But there is pain in this season, as well. Sometimes it's the sweet sadness of knowing that our babies aren't babies anymore or the gap felt where a cherished loved one once sat in Christmas celebration - the precious memories of all those years before our Lord called him/her home. Sometimes the pain is in the rift between human hearts - a loneliness felt even deeper during this season of family get-togethers.
The status of our personal relationships seems to be magnified during this season in a way that no other season can quite manage. Happiness seems to be felt a little deeper in the soul and sadness can set in like a Florida Nor'easter blowing in with the ocean breezes. Perhaps, more than any other time in our year - NOW is when we reach out - searching for a much needed jolt of joy.
Have you been looking for it? When the stockings are hung just so over the fire place or you unwrap a treasured, favorite Christmas ornament? Do you look for sweetness when you bake your time-honored cookies and ice them with sugared red and green? What about when your toes get run over by an enthusiastic shopper trying to cut line with an over-loaded grocery cart?
How about this: JOY is a fundamental part of God's character. As this planet was breathed into life God reflected and said "it is GOOD." God cherished the walks with Adam and Eve in His amazing Garden of Eden. He even sent His one and only Son to our crazy chaotic Earth for the sole purpose of keeping us - saving us from an eternity completely separated from Him. God gave - He gifted - He graced .... for the JOY!
Every THING God has done for you and I - has been because WE are God's Joy! That is pretty amazing! In Isaiah we are told that so joyous is God over us, that our relationship with Him resembles a world-wide, highly celebrated and important day - a wedding day - that precious and joyous occasion where two people become one. In fact - we represent JOY for our Lord in such a great capacity that our personal relationship with our Creator is mentioned over and over again in the Bible - never more clear than in Luke verse 7 of chapter 15: "I
tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven
over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who
do not need to repent."
Talk about a jolt! Zing!! In the midst of global Christmas Chaos where dollar deals seem to take precedence over human kindness - we need look no further for the seemingly illusive JOY than in our own mirror! How amazing is THAT?! I am God's JOY!
JOY to the world!!
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