Bristlecone Pines
Colossians 2:6-7 -- "Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude."

When the Great Pyramids of Egypt were being built - brick by brick - this amazing pine tree was already old. It grew still when Europeans first colonized our Great United States, and stood fast when brother fought brother in our Nation's Revolutionary War. It is firmly rooted. It lives where other vegetation cannot survive. It is well established with a deep, strong, and winding root system.
As you and I are faced with daily winds of adversity that seem to blow with the force of a hurricane, it might do us some good to think about the amazing Bristlecone Pine tree. As we find ourselves buffeted from side to side, cold rain stinging our raw skin or blazing sun beating down hard on our faces - it might feel easier to break down and go tumbling down the mountain rather than stand up and face whatever struggle we find barring our way to true success. But Jesus has already given us a firm foundation - a rock strong and steady to which we can cling and plant our roots with confidence and assured victory.
Just like the ancient old Pine out there in the Great Basin, we can thrive in spite of some pretty harsh conditions. As long as we allow our roots to plant firmly in our faith in Jesus - just as we have been instructed - we've already been handed our triumph. That's the key. While the earth keeps on spinning and things keep on changing, the Bristlecone Pine stands strong, unmoving - with roots that will outlast every other living thing on this earth.
How do we cultivate those amazingly deep roots? We walk in the Lord. We hold fast to God's Living Word and immerse ourselves in the grace of Jesus Christ. It's true. Wars rage on, economies collapse, and wealth comes and goes - our victory in Christ stands firm. All we have to do is thrive in it.
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