Bumps In The Night
Isaiah 46:4 -- "I will be your God throughout your lifetime...I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you along and save you."

Slowly, I got out of bed and scanned the room. Nothing was amiss. But SOMETHING woke me from a deep sleep.
Stepping out in to the living room I look around, but again, I couldn't find anything out of place. After a walk-through of the entire house, I couldn't find the thing that jolted me from sleep. But as I reached the front door, the dead bolt lay unlocked. Nothing else had changed. Nothing else in the house had moved. Hands shaking more than a little - I reached out and turn the latch. The latch that I watched Tyler turn last night when I'd asked him to, just before we all went to bed.
We have more than one sleep walker in our house, but I had checked on them and they were both sound asleep. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what happened - what woke me up. So, I did what I always do when hit with a good dose of fear. I prayed. I gave up my worry and my trembling hands, I gave up the things that bump in the night, I gave up the weird tightness in my chest when I found the door unlocked. God is ALWAYS God, and will ALWAYS be - through out my entire life. He will carry me along - which is good at this moment, because my knees set to knocking.
My head is suddenly filled with a scene from Hellboy. A fresh face, a new welcome into an underground "club" walks through the door into a dimly lit "office". Just looking at him makes me think of soap and cookies and milk. I'll call him Squeeky Clean. Enter Squeeky Clean's new boss. Squeeky is introduced to the man in charge who does NOT look like soap and cookies and milk -- and after a tour of his new headquarters, with sheer confusion plastered on his face, he asks - who ARE you people? The man in charge says - when it's dark, and things go bump in the night....WE are the ones who bump back.
I have one of those. One who will bump back. The Bible says so in Isaiah.
When things get a little harry, I pray very specifically. I pray: Lord, fill every square inch of our home with Your presence. Command your angels regarding our family and surround this home with guardian angels, keep us from harm.
The air conditioner hummed back on and the air began to move through the house. I took a deep breath in. I thank God for Isaiah 46:4. I need my Father to carry me today. I cling to His Word and rest peaceful, because I know He's in control.
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