Blessed Assurance
John 14:27 -- "I am leaving you with a gift -- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid."

But a commercial cracks into my perfection. And I'm "forced" to listen to a woman complaining about her peace of mind due to the recent break-in of her home. She's lost her peace of mind. Not to fear.....she gets it back because she purchased it through an alarm system company.
Really? The alarm system gives her peace of mind? I hate to bust her happy bubble, but if a burglar wants in - he's getting in. Period.
An image flashed into my head of a hot and balmy night, an abrupt awakening from a deep sleep and our Doberman Pincer growling on the landing of our split level home in the tropical southern Philippines. I didn't have to be told what was going on. I knew the minute my eyes opened that we were being robbed. I tip-toed to the door way of my bedroom, hoping the wood flooring wouldn't creek underneath my feet and give me away. As Pharaoh let out another deep growl that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, I saw the living room lights come on and heard the front door open with a timid slide of the chain and a click of the dead bolt. Dad must have known what was going on even before I did because I could hear him yelling out into the drive-way: "HEY!". Metal clanging onto the concrete car port and foot steps high tailing it back over the fence in our front yard told me the "heist" was over. Dad scared them off. And our wonderful Pharaoh was let off his chain to ensure the would-be thieves were properly motivated to keep on running. And that was the end of that.
Pharaoh was given a treat, loved intensely by my Dad, and returned to his post as guard on the stair way landing. Dad flipped the lights back off, secured the chain and the dead bolt back to their secure state, and assured me things were o.k. as he went back to bed.
We didn't have an alarm system. With inconsistent electrical service it wouldn't have really made a difference if we did.....but we DID have peace of mind. We had a gift that the world could not give us.
Missionaries in a foreign land, we were confident in our Lord, Jesus Christ -- we were indeed WHERE we were supposed to be, DOING exactly what God wanted us to do. John 14:27 confirmed that we are always in God's hands. Even when the people of this world don't cooperate and deal out some damage using the free will that God granted them.

Peace of mind and heart. We are wrapped snugly in the arms of our precious Lord. Held tight in the strength and security of Salvation gifted to us through the blood shed by Jesus Christ. Let the world keep on turnin' - let the bright yellow sun in the sky keep on burnin' and tides come in and out as they chase the phases of the moon... we are in God's arms. Whatever happens.....we are in God's arms. What better peace could there possibly be?
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