Wiggle Your Big Toe

Psalm 37:23 -- "The steps of man are established by the Lord; and He delights in his way"

In the past couple of days I've come across some really great blogs, two of which [keepinguphomeinabusyworld.blogspot.com and putdowntheurinalcake.com]  happened to be on the exact same topic.  Woman of house is overwhelmed.  It made me think of a movie the guys and I watched a long time ago. [The only female in the household, I have learned to appreciate a good action flick.]

In the movie "Kill Bill" the heroine breaks out of a coma that she has been in for years and must high-tail-it out of Dodge in order to escape life threatening danger. The problem?  She's been in a coma for several years.  Her legs have atrophied.  So with every ounce of strength she can muster she pulls herself to the truck that she intends to steal in her escape efforts and collapses into the back seat.  She's frustrated.  She can't get her legs to work.  So she gets this total-focus look on her face and stares down at her feet and says to herself..."wiggle your big toe".  It doesn't work the first few times she tries but eventually her big toe starts to wiggle and we next see her peel out and floor it into the rest of the movie.

I, too, am woman of house overwhelmed more often than not. It seems amazing that I have any room in the closet of life for anything other than all the hats I must wear on a daily basis.  Get up, kiss Steven [my husband] off to work, make sure Brian [my oldest] hears his alarm so he can get ready for work, get Tyler [my youngest son] started on his studies, prepare lesson plan for tomorrow and ready the necessary materials, do dishes, dust and vacuum house, clean bathrooms, check on Tyler's progress, put in laundry, fix lunch, do dishes some more...AND, AND, AND, ......whew!  I think I'd rather just pull the covers up over my head and hide from all the stuff I have to do.

I lay there in bed with my eyes closed and picture myself in some kind of rusty armor with well-worn sword in tow faced with fighting this fire breathing beast made up of all the things that are on THE LIST.  And even when I am working my fanny off attending to the things I need to accomplish  at the end of the day, there WILL be things that didn't get ticked off the list  because I have either forgotten them, or my day ran out of minutes.  Definitely a hide-under-the-covers kind of day....but none of the things on my rather lengthy list will ever get done if I spend the day under the covers. [Moms don't get sick days....they just don't].  So I think of Uma Thurman looking at her feet and say to myself  "wiggle your big toe"...

I might not peel out and floor it the way our gorgeous athletic heroine did in the movie, but before ya know it, the dishes are clinking in the hot soapy water of the dishwasher, the washing machine is swishing away with long lost underwear and socks that I manage to liberate from some weird abyss in Tyler's room and Tyler is studying the cell structure of an amoeba we found in the pond out back.

The timing of the afore mentioned blogs and the exact point of my devo for the day could not be better.  "The steps of man are established by the Lord, and He delights in his way."  I love this verse because ... God didn't say I had to finish every single item on this list that I have compiled, He didn't say that I need to climb Mount Everest or swim the English Channel...He just wants me to do all that I can to His glory.  He values my steps...he delights in them.  I love how the verse doesn't say that God delights in my many achievements or my many successes.  It just says that my steps have been established by Him [He HAS very richly blessed me with my home and wonderful family] and that He delights in my journey.

"Thy Word is a lamp to my feet, and a light to my path." [Psalm 119:105]
"God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work." [2 Corinthians 9:8]

And see?.....He even lights my way and gives me everything I need in order to excel!


  1. Great posts, Kel, all of them. Thanks for sharing your writing skills with all of us.


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