I Peter 3:4 - "But let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is precious in the sight of God." [NASB]
In black and white, the question stares at me, daring me...challenging me to answer honestly. "What are some minor incidentals you have allowed to shape your self- image or self -worth?" I know where this is going. The point the author is trying to make is that we should not base our definition of self- worth on something so minor as another person's snide remarks or criticisms. Nor should we attempt to force ourselves into a physical mold that we perceive to be acceptable in society. With this statement, I completely agree.
Knowing this, spite of what G.I. Joe might tell NOT half the battle. The battle begins when faced with the task of putting the "what I know" column of information into the "what I live" column of the inner list that is my life.
The thing I've learned? I don't actually really have to like my appearance. Now before I start getting a bunch of e-mails arguing that this is self-destructive and un-Godly thinking, let me explain: I'm often confronted with the observation that I have a low self image. This is a daily battle for me....there has never really been a point in my life when I look into a mirror, smile big, wink at myself and call up Glamor Shots for a photo shoot. I'm just not ever going to be in that place [kind of funny if you think about it because I DID actually model a little] ...but for years, I would look into the mirror, wince, and stick out my tongue [yes, I actually did stick my tongue out at myself]. There was not a single thing I could find in that reflection equivalent to my own personal definition of beauty. So, I would be gently fussed at by those cherished someones in my life. "You need to see your own beauty". I'm not so sure that I really do, actually. I realize that this is a self-esteem battle I will never really win. Feeling kind of guilty because I have a low self-esteem and then trying to fix the way I see myself became the focus of my life. An obsession. Doesn’t God tell us to put no god before Him? An obsession, from my view point, CAN become a god to which we enslave ourselves.…ergo….I learned that I don’t really have to like my reflection. But...I also realize that I must still be obedient to Christ. And this by no means excuses me from the responsibility I have to attempt to improve the image I have of myself. I no longer openly, verbally insult myself. I CAN actually accept, graciously, the compliments I get from others regarding my hair, make-up, clothing or what have you WITHOUT arguing with those that give them. But most importantly, I have given my entire self [yes, even my appearance] to Jesus Christ. I understand that I really AM "fearfully and wonderfully made". And my goal? Maybe I don't have to be all wrapped up in learning to like the mirror [or my reflection in it] - but I can wrap myself in God's truths, obey his Word and let the hidden person of my heart become precious in the sight of God.
So.....SELF worth? I remove the self-part and focus on worth as it pertains to what God wants me to do on this earth. I accept FULLY - that God knew me before I was born and does, indeed have a plan for me. [Jer. 1:5] And because I am HIS, because I have been purchased with the blood of Jesus ...I am a beauty queen. Not in the mirror, No. But in that I strive to be a reflection of the light Jesus Christ shines outward from within my heart.
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