Lyrical Deception

Colossians 2:8 -- "See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ."

As the steam billowed up and fogged my glasses I watched a bloom of tiny bubbles escape the soap nozzle and dance around in the air. I hate doing the dishes. 

image: Ralf Hettler -
At least the cats found the bubbles entertaining.

A bright and happy tune played around in my head to the point of being annoying. I could NOT stop singing the stupid song. Doubly aggravated was I - because not only was I stuck doing my least favorite chore, but now some dumb song wouldn't leave me alone. I left the dishes in the sink and hooked my smart-phone up to my CD player in order to fight the repetitious lyrics spinning around in my brain with some Point Of Grace.

Now THAT's better.

It occurred to me - I didn't even know all the lyrics to the song that had my head so captured in its vice-like grip. But I was singing it. I was tapping my toes and bobbing up and down while the hot water did it's magic on my coffee cup.

Coming up with yet another reason to leave the dishes un-done I went to the computer to look up the song. I didn't even know the name of it, really. But thanks to the musical genius and "photographic" memory of my hubby - I knew the name of the group. 


THAT's what I was singing? The up-beat rhythm and catchy tune had me completely fooled into thinking it was a feel-good song. But in reality, underneath the sunny and shiny exterior - the song was crude, cynical, and all about a person's addiction to crystal meth. 

Well, I had certainly been deceived. 

The whole scenario had me wondering - how often do we allow ourselves to get caught up in things that don't SEEM harmful? On the outside they appear to be good, right, and even noble - but deep down they plant seeds that put deep and detrimental chinks in our spiritual armor.

Like weeds.

Like a Venus Fly Trap - the pretty colors and wonderful aroma appear to be good. To the fly they certainly have some irresistible charm. Just taking a few sips of nectar from those bright petals can't be all that bad, right? I mean, the fly needs energy. It HAS to have food. Food is good for the overall well-being of any of us. But in no time flat the plant snaps shut around the buzzing insect and that will be the end of that. No more buzzing. No more meals. Ever.

Some times the seemingly harmless things with which we get involved don't have immediate lethal consequences - and like the fly, we won't even know we've stepped into a trap until its too late to prevent things from going horribly, horribly wrong.

It's an ageless thing this deception - these spiritual pitfalls and traps. I suppose that's why Paul devotes so much time to the subject in Colossians. And it's a good thing he did. Today I was in great need of the gentle reminder: be careful.

If my focus in squarely on my Savior and the things I KNOW to make him happy - I won't be so easily ensnared by the trappings of the world around me.


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