Thanksgiving 2014
Psalm 9:1 -- "I will give thanks to the Lord with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders."
image: Steven Dalton |
Nearly two years ago when I first publicly took digital pen to internet page the reason was to remind myself to be a grateful person. Far too often did I get to the end of the day and miss telling of all the wonders God had graced and laced throughout the previous twenty-four hours. Or worse - sometimes I would get to the end of the day in a grumpy slump. No doubt about it, my attitude needed a make over.
Inspired by Anne Voskamp, I began to keep a gratitude journal. Not only would I daily make a list of all God's wonders, but when the day was too long and I felt like a withered plant rather than a soul blooming in the grace of Jesus Christ - I would force my negative brain waves to focus on the light and glory of God. After all, even in the storm there are things for which to be thankful.
This week we collectively celebrate Thanksgiving. What more appropriate moment is there to share some of the things that made it into the gratitude journal:
1. The quiet of sunrise when the world is still asleep.
2. The magic that is Swiffer.
3. Watching my Dad play pinball on our Cross Town pinball machine.
4. That awesome thing they call a Keurig.
5. Good books that keep me up all night.
6. Swallow Tail butterflies on my orange tree.
7. Ladies night with my two dearest friends.
8. The delightful success of a new recipe.
9. Daily bike rides with my husband.
10. Finding a thing you thought was lost forever.
11. A surprise visit by my baby brother.
12. Monster movie night with my three guys.
13. Freshly popped pop corn lightly salted - no butter.
14. Dishwashers.
15. Unexpected phone calls from my baby sister.
16. Facebook.
17. Digital photography.
18. "Overcomer" by Mandisa
19. Hitting the thrift store with my awesome friend Cathy.
20. Happy cats that purr themselves to sleep while sitting on your chest.
21. The boys remembering to take the garbage out.
22. Rolly polly pill bugs.
23. Blue birds at my bird feeders in the back yard.
24. Deer that peek out from the woods in the back.
25. The soft buzzing of bees.
26. The smell of leather bound books.
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image: Kelly Babb Dalton |
27. Sand under my feet and salt in the air.
28. The laughter of Hazellyn [my niece].
29. Late night tea with just my Mom.
30. My Grandmother's accolades.
31. My Grandfather's deep booming voice.
32. Early morning fog.
33. Earl Gray.
34. Piano music.
35. A fresh pedicure.
Happy Thanksgiving. May you enjoy your turkey day and always have much for which to be thankful.
I will see you again December 1st.
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