Little Monsters
Romans 1:20 -- "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities - His eternal power and divine nature - have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."
Once our eyes adjusted from the brightness outside, Tyler prepped his slide and slid it gingerly under the "arms" of the microscope [graciously sold to us from a friend in the lab at the University of North Florida.] Tyler's face lit up immediately. The single droplet of water was ripe with tiny little monsters. It was absolutely crazy with all manner of micro-organisms! For once, Tyler didn't have to be reminded to study or to do his homework. He anxiously took up pencil and paper and began to identify the squirming little life forms on the slide. [He would be tested on it later].
Good question!
The plain and simple truth is - they can't. I mean, they might try to explain things away from a "scientific" view point, but in my way of thinking - they only end up with a deeper and more detailed description of the power and creativity of God, our Creator! It seems to me that one would have to really, really try very hard to leave our Father OUT of creation equation! It seems so obvious that His handiwork is everywhere!
Men are without excuse in this regard!
I could not help but smile and thank the Lord that allowed Tyler to see Him in a tiny little drop of water. What a precious gift! What an amazing Father we have! What an amazing Savior we serve!
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