Resolution Revolution
Malachi 3:6 -- "I the Lord do not change."
Photo by: Tyler Wayne Dalton |
In frustration, I keep tapping my pen against the desk. It would seem that in my effort to change some things in my own life at the birth of each new year - I am hopelessly unsuccessful. And yet, somehow, each and every year that rolls around finds me making a resolution list.
THAT's when I'm hit by a resolution revolution. Instead of listing the things that I would LIKE to change this year, I start to pen all the ways in which I know I have made significant progress. Before too long, I have a smile on my face and am feeling like quite the Super Mom - ready to take on anything.
In the moment when ink pen scratches marks on fresh paper, I am reminded that my Father does NOT change from year to bright and shiny new year. HE is always the same. This fact is given to us several times through out God's Word, but it could not be more plain than in Malachi 3:6: "I the Lord do not change." Again, I smile - and reach for the paper on the desk, crumple it up into a tight ball, and try to do my best Michael Jordan as I aim for the trash can. [I always miss].
With a fresh, clean page in front of me I put down ONE resolution. One is all I need: "Build my house upon the Rock."
When life rolls under my feet like the earthquakes we used to get in the Philippines and I attempt to tackle giant obstacles that stand in the way of personal and spiritual growth, it's absolutely wonderful to know that I have a fixed foundation that will NEVER shake, rattle, or roll! No matter what the new year has in store, no matter what failures may line the streets of my past - my Lord, will NOT EVER change. So it makes sense to cling to Him with everything I've got. If my one, single, goal is to focus completely on Jesus Christ - the rest of my life will fall into His perfect place.
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