Our Work Cut Out...
Philippians 1:3-4,6 -- vs. 3-4: "I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always offering prayer with joy in my every prayer for you all." vs. 6: "For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus."

I read on in awe, that Paul offers a prayer with boundless joy in his heart. I can see a small grin on his face while he flicks fleas off his arm and continues to jot down his thoughts - because his heart is focused on the great love he has for the church and for his Savior. In fact, I think the mostly dark room must have had an un-earthly glow to it as the warm love of Jesus poured out of Paul in the middle of a dank, stale environment. Paul finds joy - he even sounds a little excited - because he KNOWS that Jesus will continue a good work in the lives of those fellow believers in Philippi. He revels in the confidence he has in his Savior, Jesus Christ.
Here is a dirty, tired, and most likely bruised man - thrown into some of the most unimaginable conditions - smiling to himself with a priceless joy.
It feels strange now, that I grumble under my breath and express that I must surly have my work cut out for me this month. A losing battle with bone-crushing fatigue sets my tongue to wagging about the long list of things I need to accomplish in the next two weeks while still trying to recoup from a stint in the hospital and a whirl-wind Christmas. In fact, my grumbling is really rather silly in comparison to the obstacles set before Paul.
I am so very grateful that God grants us a swift kick in the pants to prod us back to the right path and the right attitude. I am so very thankful for the living Word of God!! For the hope He has gifted - to which we can cling when we THINK we are fighting an up-hill battle.
You and Me? ... as we rest our tushies on a rather comfortable chair or sofa with ample softness and put pen to paper regarding our to-do list - let us reach down deep and find the priceless joy that set Paul on fire for the Lord! Notice .... Paul didn't pray for HIMSELF with joy -- he prayed for OTHERS! Sometimes, the best way for you and I to fight our own battles is to help some-one else with theirs! After all, we can say with the utmost of confidence that we KNOW Jesus will continue the good work He has begun in our fellow believers! Let us celebrate with them! Let us share that wonderful, priceless joy!!
Thank you, Father - for the much needed attitude adjustment! I pray You continue Your good work and I will endeavor to ever-be obedient!
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