Zip Line Spunk
I Corinthians 10:31 -- "So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God."
Once you get my husband rolling on the details, problems, likes and dislikes about any given movie - plan on being at the table with him for a while. I love this about him and there are often times when he can come up with perspectives on a film that I would not have come up with on my own.

It's true. This little dude did nothing in the movie but zip back and forth on his little zip line. I'm not sure what his purpose was, other than to deliver to the Goblin King news and other information. But he did THAT really well didn't he? He threw everything he had into the role, enthusiastic to get his task done to the utmost of his ability.
We could take a few lessons from this ugly little monster.
Now, I'll be the first person to admit that it's a little difficult for me to get gung-ho about the laundry or cleaning the toilet in the boys' bathroom - but in I Corinthians Paul reminds us that every little thing DOES actually matter. In verse 31 of chapter 10, he even mentions the small mundane tasks like eating and drinking. And if these are so important that Paul points them out - surely making the bed and cleaning the kitchen counter apply as well.
The point might not be the actual task at hand. In fact, I'm sure it's not. The point is the condition of my heart.
If I can take the seemingly small things that make up my "job" here in my own home and put full heart and soul into them - I am ready to put my all into the service of my Lord. I might not be Goblin King - I might be zip-line guy - but my task in God's army IS important. Whatever my purpose in the body of Christ - it is for me to do my job to the utmost of my ability - to serve for the Glory of God.
It kind of takes ME out of the equation, don't you think? It's not about the zip line. It's not about my pride and popularity or the audience for which I might be seeking approval and self-gratification. It's ALL about the Lord. It's about my service to Him. Does my heart truly beat for God? If it does - I can show Him that by putting every beat of it into the time He has given me on this earth.
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