Somewhere Over The Rainbow
Jeremiah 29:7 -- "Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, for it's welfare will determine your welfare."
"O.K. ... I'm movin' to New Zealand."

Ugh! Isn't THAT the truth?!
Do you wanna know a secret? It's been this way since our country was founded. It may seem that our current situation is unprecedented, but the truth is - our founding fathers fought like cats and dogs - and SOME of them were actually friends! Just take a good look at the family life of Thomas Jefferson. At one point, he, his son and grandson could barely be seen apart from one another - but their close relationship was forever terminated over a political quarrel. The same can be said for the long standing friendship between Jefferson and Adams. At one point the two completely stopped speaking to one another and didn't truly mend their strong kindred bond until they both retired. These two became so close, however - that they ended up leaving this world on the exact same day - only a few hours apart. Their friendship had come full circle.
These two pillars of our great country DID take to a semi-reclusive life-style, however - after devoting much of their time and efforts in our nation's capital. Some changes during the course of their own life times made them both sad. But we never heard from their lips that they were giving up and walking away. No. They stayed the course. They gave the United States everything they could give. And for all of their efforts and fighting - our country is what it is today. And in spite of some pretty major bumps in the road - the United States IS a strong and GREAT country.
There are several things I might not like about what is going IN it right now. So many, in fact, that there are moments when I wish we could click a giant "opt out" button and simply move out of the way - FAR - FAR out of the way. But then the verse in my devo this morning kind took me by the spiritual collar and shook me just a tad. If ANYONE had the right to feel like giving up and walking away - Jeremiah did. A warrior for God, he was instructed to overtake lands that were far from his home and WAY out of his comfort zone. God gave him instruction, however - to stay the course.
Perhaps the grass seemed greener in Jeremiah's home land. Perhaps there are moments when I feel like New Zealand is lush with beautiful landscapes, unique job opportunities, and as a guest in that foreign land, I would have no political responsibilities. But as of this moment, the Lord has not called me to New Zealand. He HAS given me instruction to seek peace and prosperity right here, on the soil into which my family routes are planted. He has instructed me to pray for THIS land, because it's welfare will determine mine.
On this day, as I mute the political talk program playing on the radio in the background and switch to some upbeat music - I can hum the song Judy Garland made famous in The Wizard of Oz. I know that my home really IS somewhere over the rainbow. ... and until it's time for me to live there - I will remain obedient to God's will in THIS land.
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