Father of Lights
Psalm 27:14 -- "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart."
Slowly removing my arm from the branch just over my head where my finger rested on my camera's shutter button, I put my palm down on the damp earth and tried to get a little blood flowing back in to my sleeping limb. I leaned up against the Crepe Myrtle tree, ignoring the sharp-ended branches of the bush daisies and looked up through the tree bursting with bright pink blossoms. She was up there. I could see her silhouette.

Knowing her pattern, I slowly put my finger back on the camera and waited for her to visit the feeder again. BINGO!! I was awarded some wonderful shots of her as I pressed the shutter button in repeated rapid-fire succession. I couldn't help but whisper "thank you" to her as she lit out for the Oak tree in our neighbor's yard - where her tiny little spit nest stays hidden.
And the goose bumps got worse. As I wiped the sweat from my forehead, dark clouds rolled in with the typical Florida afternoon thunder storms. Already overheated, the cool contrast made me shiver with the cloud cover. The temperature started to dip quickly - which is usually followed by lightning and not a little bit of wind. It was definitely time to wrap up my photo shoot and head inside. The warmth of the sun had all but completely disappeared.
THAT is what discouragement does to us. Deep, dark, and rolling clouds of discouragement obscure the warmth and joy of The Son. Spiritually, we get goose-bumps as we try to compensate for the abrupt change in temperature. When this happens, it's time for us to pack up and head inside. It's time for us to wait on the Lord.
In my own experience, waiting on the Lord is sometimes the most difficult thing to do. I have a wonderful friend who has recently added to her education and is seeking a change of employment. Last week, she was afforded an interview, only to be told later that they'd made another selection and she was not granted the position. On top of that, there has been a new birth in her family and due to complications, she was unable to visit the new born and mom in the hospital. I think one might call that combination of things - discouragement. Deep, dark, and ominously rumbling clouds of disappointment have rolled in to block her warmth and joy from The Son, Jesus Christ.
However - she knows - and frequently reminds me - that "this too, shall pass". She knows that after the clouds rumble through with their charged tantrums, a rainbow will pop out and she'll be able to feel warmth and joy again. She needs but to wait on God's timing, He will strengthen her heart. In the mean time - she clings to God's promises. It's rough sailing right now, for sure - but God's timing is perfect. When He grants her a new job, it will be hand-picked by him and delivered in His perfect will. When she IS able to visit new born and mom - there will me many tears of joy and their reunion will be all the sweeter from the wait.
My friend knows that she isn't to hide her head under a pillow and wallow in her discomfort. Psalm 27:14 doesn't tell her to sulk until the sun comes out again. It tells her to be of good courage. Granted, the good courage part comes from no small amount of effort - but she knows her hope and her trust is in The Lord. Her trust is in our Father of Lights - and His warmth will not stay obscured by the clouds of discouragement forever. She knows - that every good and perfect gift is from Him. She'll wait on God's timing. And she'll do it with courage.
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