Sign Dancer
Acts 9:18 -- "At once, something like scales fell from his eyes, and he regained his sight."
Stop and go. Stop and go. Stop and go. With the sun burning through the daylight hours as bright as can be outside, I wanted nothing more than to reach the beach [Fort Clinch] before we lost low tide, but the traffic was going to be a factor. Taking a deep breath, I looked out the window and saw, what I like to call, Sign Dancers. They are the guys and gals bee-boppin' on the side-walk in heavy traffic areas - sometimes in costume, sometimes, not - dancing away to the music playing in their ears via digital devices, boogie'n with a sign baring a few choice words in favor of their chosen place of employment. [Bet ya didn't know...they can make on the upwards of ten dollars an hour. And if you ask me, in the Florida heat, they are underpaid.]
To my right, was a gung-ho lad shakin' a tale feather to some unknown and unheard beat, waving his sign up in the air proudly, in colorful animation with a huge smile on his face. Sun beatin' down on his shoulders like there was never going to be another sunny day. Man, this guy had some moves!
But I start laughing out loud. My fellow travelers immediately ask "WHAT?!"
Pointing out my window, I share with them the little funny moment.
This guy, so enthusiastic, so cheerful, so dedicated...was dancing with such vigor....holding a sign....that I couldn't really read because it was upside down.
We all got a kick out of that and I almost rolled the window down to inform him of his advertising fopaux but decided to allow others the same little chuckle that we enjoyed.
It made me think.
Is my sign upside down? Do I animate for Christ in sincere and heart-felt dedication with a signal that gets lost in the flare?
I want - I NEED Jesus to remove the scales from my eyes - from my actions - from my walk with Him. I want to see clearly so others can clearly see Jesus in my life.
One of my favorite verses EVER is "Create in me a pure heart, O God and renew a steadfast spirit within me." [Psalm 51:10] This is what I need! Let the scales fall away and allow us to renew, to be the best Sign Dancers with a crystal clear message! JESUS IS LORD!!
I sure hope mine is right side up too!