You Are What Eats You

Proverbs 14:30 -- "A heart at peace gives life to the body ... "

Throwing the covers off I violently kicked my legs out from under the thick blanket. Maybe cooling off would bring about some much needed sleep. But I kind of doubted it - I'd already tried everything else. The issue wasn't really my level of physical comfort, but my emotional and spiritual one. No matter the method I tried, I just could not turn off my brain. Every time my eyes closed another worry would pop into frame in vibrant and agonizingly brilliant detail. It just would not stop.

I finally gave up and stepped into my flip-flops, grabbed a cup of chamomile tea and headed out for the rocker on the screened in porch. If I was quiet enough, I might not scare off the heard of deer that come to steel the suet and peanut-butter bell shaped treats I hang out for my Downy Woodpecker. I might even catch a rare glimpse of the otters that play in the pond.

Resting tired bones down into to the creaky chair I looked about the night, the quiet, and sighed deep. Frogs were singing at the tops of their lungs, I could hear the Barred Owl and wondered to whom he was belting out those low rhythmic tones. I could still smell the rain and caught spuratic glimpses of heat flash high in the sky, setting the clouds a glow. The moon was full and it was amazing.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew the dark sky was hinting at the sunrise to follow and I had a terrible crick in my neck. But I couldn't complain - I finally got some rest.

It all made sense when I pulled myself out of the chair and headed in to switch my tea-cup for a coffee mug. The night doesn't worry. Enveloped in it's quiet and surrounded by hundreds of living things that don't stay up at night fretting about tomorrow - it WOULD be easy to sleep. Inside my own head and panic- I reflect all of my worry, all of my struggles. The night knows none of this. And really, neither should I.

In the book of Proverbs, one can almost map out an instruction manual for mankind. One thing is for certain, the author sure doesn't beat around the bush.  In chapter 14 verse 30 the words ring out loud and true - a heart at peace gives life to the body. This brings a smile to my lips as I think of an old adage "you are what you eat" - but really, we are what eats AT us, aren't we? If my focus remains on all the worries I have stored up for tomorrow - it will definitely show when I wake with dark circles under my eyes and a grumpy disposition. Focusing on Christ and the will of God will reflect THOSE thoughts, as well.  I would much rather look like a child of God than a sour woman with bed-head.


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