If I Do Say So, Myself

Genesis 1:25b - "And God saw that it was good."

"Light Play" Photo by Tyler W Dalton
Nose nestled firmly in a good book my focus is suddenly and quite by surprise interrupted with a Cannon digital camera shoved in my face. Tyler has returned from his journey into the back yard for some homework assignments in his photography class. Breathless, red-faced, and excited, he bounds in with a "Mom, you've GOT to see this one!"

His effervescence is contagious. I smile as he says to me, "isn't it great?!"

I totally agree. The photo is truly, a great one. I am proud of him, and I'm proud that he has recognized a good thing in himself. I'm pleased that he can pat himself on the back with confidence in his talent and in his ability. [a thing that is so very difficult for ME]. But then he looks at me funny and says "wait, I'm not bragging am I?"

"Alien Planet" Photo by Tyler W Dalton
Tyler and I have been working on the fine line between being proud of a personal accomplishment and just plain being prideful. It's been an interesting journey that began as I overheard him crush an on-line opponent in a battle to the death while playing Red Dead on the X-Box 360. Very loudly he announced to his defeated victim that "see, I told you no one is better than I am at this game."

Woa, woa, woa .... hold on a mintue! Let's back up and focus on what you just said to your friend!

It's very true that God wants us to be humble. That He did say in His Word that - the MEEK shall inherit the earth. However - there are also moments when it's perfectly acceptable [even encouraged] to acknowledge a great achievement. To look in the mirror and say "hey, kudos!" God, Himself did this more than once as He created us.

"The Tater" Photo by Steven W Dalton
It's ALL about heart. I can accomplish NOTHING without God. He is the reason I exist. After hours hunched over a sketch pad and some charcoal pencils it's o.k. for me to take a step back and say "hey, that turned out pretty well ... if I do say so, myself! And as I wipe the charcoal from my fingertips and STILL manage to smear it across my face ..... I say, Lord - thank you for granting me this gift. This joy in a simple sketch. Thank you for creating GOOD!

It's ALL about heart! Don't be afraid to be proud of something you've achieved. As you step back, review your handiwork and recognize that it is good, don't' forget to give credit where it is REALLY due.

This is a little reminder to myself ..... it's ALL about heart.


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