Yank 'Em By Their Shirt Collars
"...with all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love, eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit - just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call - one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all." Ephesians 4:2-6 [ESV]
Image: Startalk/Curved Light Productions |
Until now, anyway.
The shock and surprise hit me about halfway through the interview because I found myself laughing, jumping up, and actually shouting, "AMEN"!
Wow. Am I a closet Neil de Grasse Tyson fan!?
Piers had posed the question he'd recently begun asking of his American guests: Who will you vote for in the upcoming election? I will never forget what Neil said [am I allowed to just call him Neil?] - He said, what I'd really like to do? Is yank every politician up by their shirt collars, take them up to the moon and point their faces at the Earth and say ... what is wrong with you? THAT is the thing that matters. THAT is the big picture. Because when you get people to "zoom out" and really look closely at who we are and where we are? We discover we have more IN common than we ever had OUT of it. [OK, I'm paraphrasing - I don't have a PhD in astrophysics.]
Sitting back down post "amen" outburst, I discovered I had actually started asking myself ... wait a minute, can we really do that? Can we ring up Elon Musk and see if he couldn't put together some sort of humanitarian space summit? [LOL]
Image:Youtube/Uncensored with Piers Morgan |
The point is - we are this orphan planet in the middle of a vast, violent, and amazingly terrifying space. We are, so far as we know, ...IT. There is no lifeline if this ship goes down. We can't just hop on the next planet when we've destroyed this one. We don't get a second try at this humanity thing. So ... why do we quibble over borders and budgets and belongings? Those things don't really seem to hold much weight when you put them on The Grand Scale.
We just gotta' "zoom out".
Image: "Blue Marble"/Apollo 17 1972 |
One Father. One Lord. One Spirit.
ONE humanity.
One God who is over it all and through it all and in it all.
Gotta' say - I'm with Neil de Grasse Tyson on this one.
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