Christmas In Chaos

Ecclesiastes 9:1 -- "For I have taken all this to my heart and explain it that righteous men, wise men, and their deeds are in the hand of God."

Looking down at my toes under the crisp white hospital blanket I couldn't help but think of all the wonderful things I was suppose to do be doing.   ...wrapping up the last of the gifts instead of looking out at a gray-ish sky from my hospital room. Getting cookies ready to take to the family Christmas eve party instead of trying to turn my head without yanking on the drainage tube just below my left ear. Attending to last minute touch-ups on my make-up and hair instead of fiddling with the gauze bandage wrapped around my head.

I had plans. It was Christmas Eve, for crying out loud! Having a sudden surgery to rid my head/face of a tumor embedded deep in my parotid gland wasn't on the list. At least, it wasn't on my list. I guess it was on my surgeon's list. And all those nice nurses making rounds. And the kitchen crew downstairs....and well, good grief, my Pastor even popped in for a quick hello. On Christmas Eve! How nice was that? Not only that, but my Family Practice Doctor came in to say hello. On Christmas Eve! And then my parents, and the music minister from Church, and our Sunday School teacher .... wow!

Image result for hospital christmas decorations
Image: BoredPanda []
In all of this feeling sorry for myself I hadn't stopped to consider that in the middle of this unexpectedness - Christmas WAS actually still happening all around me. In a very beautiful way. I might not have been at my prettiest - what with the drainage tube and the blue hospital gown, etc. but people were walking in with big fat smiles on their faces to tell me Merry Christmas! They probably had plans, too. But they were taking time out from them to grant me some holiday cheer.

Come to think of it - it was just unexpected to me. God knew all about it. He wasn't at all surprised when they removed a tumor the size of a golf ball that seemed to just pop up over night. He wasn't shocked that I'd barely make it home for Christmas. The entire time I felt dazed and overwhelmed, I was in God's wonderful and mighty hands! The ENTIRE time.

I bet Mary had made some plans of her own that first of all Christmases. How excited she must have been, engaged to be married, wrapping up a calendar year with so much hope for the one right around the corner. I'm willing to bet her plans didn't include an unexpected pregnancy, a surprise census, and a long journey on donkey-back with her water about to break. 

But, those things weren't a surprise to God. Indeed, they were long awaited and planned! Every detail. Even the donkey-back ride! Mary's mood probably didn't resemble joy as she hunkered down on the floor of a stable to give birth to her first born child - but the chaotic moment gave us THE most precious and most amazing miracle ever! Now we have joy and real reason to celebrate! what if Mary's original plans had all come to pass? What if that first Christmas and new year had all unfurled without so much as a hitch and just as Mary had imagined? Well, it wouldn't have been Christmas at all, would it?

I'm glad God is the One in control. I'm glad that every day on this earth rests sheltered in His strong hands.


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