Lost In Translation
Hebrews 5:14 -- "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are - yet was without sin. Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."
image: zimbokitchen.com |
He actually perked up and said "Oh yea! You can't get that over here, can you?"
I was very surprised that he knew what I was talking about - and in the lengthy impromptu conversation that followed I learned that Sulemon spent a number of years in Africa as a child. We swapped stories - and for a moment it was so nice to meet a fellow human at my office that knew a little bit about what I was describing.
Heads starting popping up out of cubicles and passers-by stopped in their tracks to watch our animated conversation. A couple of them showed genuine interest - but more than a few looked at both of us as if we we'd just stepped off the mother ship.
I couldn't contain my excitement. I asked Sul if He'd seen Victoria Falls. He then asked if I had. Alas, I was too young to stand by the falls when were in Africa, because there were no guard rails at the time. My parents wisely decided to leave my sister and I behind when they peeked over the edge of the roaring torrents and white water rapids as they crashed into the rocks and river below. But I DO remember the statue - surrounded by wiry trees and big boulders - David Livingstone peered down at us from a perch that revealed his accomplishments in etched copper.
image: Livingstone@Victoria Falls/tripadvisor.com |
It was wonderful. And for a time, I didn't mind that I was the "weird" one with all the travels under her belt and a unique understanding of foreign policy. Because there was a person in my office that understood. Many of my experiences as child and teen often get lost in translation, but when Sul and I began talking - he "got it".
Ever feel that way?
Ever start in on an anecdote that was apparently only funny at the time it occurred or in a certain place? [ya know, location humor?]. Ever offer an opinion that didn't seem to match that of those around you because yours involved a Bible reference? Ever marvel at a storm or a rainbow while the rest of the world passed by completely oblivious to the might and wonder of God?
Ya know what's awesome? We have been given One who really, really GETS us. No need for lengthy explanations or an attempt to bring home some understanding. We have been given One that walked the earth just as we do. He suffered the same temptations, the same joys, the same victories, and even some of the very same trials that we do. He totally UNDERSTANDS. Because unlike the masses - He can relate.
So - we really CAN approach the throne of grace with confidence that we are completely known and understood. We aren't speaking in words that will be lost in translation. Every single prayer we utter will be heard. Every single heart-beat poured out at the foot of the alter will be totally understood.
What a reason to celebrate!!
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