From A To B

Proverbs 3:6 -- "In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight."

Adjusting my vision in an attempt to make out the numbers on my phone screen in the very bright sunshine, I blew out a breath when the posted temperature on my weather app read 92 degrees. Just short of a light jog, I tried to increase my pace so as not to be late for a doctor's appointment. Ordinarily, I enjoyed my walks and bike rides from point A to point B - but in the heavy heat it was all I could do to make my legs keep pumping. It was just too hot.

The one thing that kept running through my sizzling brain was: if the way to the medical building was straight, I'd be there in no time. After all - don't we learn early on in Math class that the shortest distance from A to B is a straight line? But up ahead of me I could see the sidewalk twist and turn and take sharp corners ... ugh. At least, I thought to myself, I could treat myself to Starbucks after my appointment - there is one just next door to my doctor's office.

In spite of all my wishing - there was just no way I could make the sidewalk straighten out to shorten my walk. But - I DO know of One who can straighten the pathways of my life if I remain focused on Him. And amid the beating rays of sun hitting the top of my head, I smiled to myself in gratitude.

Proverbs 3:6 reminds us that if we keep our eyes on Jesus - He will make our paths straight. That's no small thing when you think about it. How often do we find ourselves lost among the winding roads of life - seemingly caught in the mire as we try to navigate through tricky turns and upturned roots? If only we had a life map. . .

While we don't always have the luxury of things being neatly mapped out for us - we DO have access to THE Navigator. Able to see EVERYTHING, God will get us from point A to point B in a manner that keeps our best interest at heart. THAT is awesome!! We just need to keep our eyes on Him.

Thank you, Jesus - for knowing my path, for loving me enough to keep me on it - and for the love and forgiveness you bestow on me when I stray and get tangled up in the flotsam.


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