Plight Of The Zombies
Epehesians 4:31 -- "Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice."
image: David P Hughes, |
The Ant's brain has been hijacked. It is no longer in control of anything.
Ophiocordyceps - a.k.a: the Zombie Fungus - has infected the ant's central nervous system and has produced chemicals that take it over completely. The Ant is now programmed to climb to the highest point that overlooks an ant colony so that the fungus in its brain can reproduce. Once the fungus has sprouted, a strange and alien-like growth protrudes from the ant's head. The bulb on the end of the growth will erupt in a microscopic explosion of spores that will float down to the ant colony below and hijack more ants. The unsuspecting and thriving ant colony doesn't stand a chance.
The Zombie Fungus is a true parasite. It cannot reproduce without the use of ants.
Something to think about - Satan can't "reproduce" without the use of humans. Not at all. Every single thing Satan has ever accomplished came from "hijacking" something God created. Satan corrupted the angels that fell from Heaven with him and he twisted the truth when he enticed Eve to take a bite of the forbidden fruit. He's a lot like the Zombie Fungus. There is no success for Satan without us.
Which is why in Ephesians, we are told to LET IT GO.

Unlike the poor Carpenter Ants of the world, there are things we can do to ward of Zombie/Satanic spores. If we daily put on our full armor - we can ward off the things that want to hijack our emotions and our spiritual output.
So let it go. Let it all go. Take a stand against Zombie Parasites and protect the very precious brains and hearts that God created within us.
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