Close To Heart

Isaiah 40:11 -- "He gathers the lambs to his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."

Looking through the boxes stacked high in my garage in search of my craft supplies I came across some cherished baby clothes. I smiled as I took each garment out to hold up in front of me - picturing my boys as they were when they were toddlers. It was about then that the two of them popped into the garage to find me and I couldn't help but be astonished by the huge difference in size. 

They both tower over me. They are no longer my tiny tots.

As parents we are now faced with some pretty tough decisions concerning our young men. For starters, our oldest is about to get married and is at a cross-roads to that end. Our youngest is looking into college programs as he gazes forward into what might become his career.  He has several interests and is finding it difficult to buckle down on any one of them.

It is wonderful to know that God is there to gently lead. It is wonderful to know that as a parent, I am held close to my Father's heart - as are my children.

There are moments when I can't imagine how those parents that don't know the Lord are able to get through life at all. As we make wedding plans and pilfer through college brochures - as we look into apartments for our oldest and cars for our youngest - I find great comfort in Isaiah 40:11.

When I find myself asking things like; have Steven and I been good examples? Have I taught them well enough? Are they ready to face the world as adults? Is their faith strong? I know beyond any doubt that God has them and holds them close to His heart. We are a house that serves the Lord and I am confident that we have trained our children to do the same. And while I know I will always have the worry of a parent - I am so very thankful that God has things under control.

I am grateful that God's plans are set for my boys - for His purpose for them is so much greater than my dreams. I am so very thankful that my Father will always gently lead.


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