Better Than Glue
Proverbs 18:24 -- "But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
I could NOT believe the words I just heard from my youngest son, trying to enunciate through clenched teeth, as he once again attempted to use his big brother as a foot rest. This, by the way, is not tolerated by big brother.
I had ducked into my bedroom to retrieve a favorite pillow for family movie night when out came the words - I kid you not - "You started it!"
And then: "nuh-uh, YOU started it first because you do that to me all the time!"
My twenty year old and my sixteen year old were back to intentionally annoying the snot out of each other. I thought I might need to run in and check their birth certificates but nah, I'm pretty sure Brian is twenty and Tyler is sixteen. Even though they were behaving like they were still eight and four.
I have a sneaking suspicion that they arrange themselves in the living room in just the right places so that they can't help but be in each other's way when the movie starts. It's not like we don't have room for them both.
I have learned something about my guys over the years. I don't know if it's this way for every male dominated family, but to display affection toward one another the boys [all four of them] usually crack wise at, poke, punch, and or kick the seat of the intended "admired" target. So the touching battle that had begun just before my hubby started Hitchcock's North By Northwest was actually a display of brotherly love. Hard to see it that way when the situation turns to a verbal screaming match that only ends when Dad puts his foot down [sometimes loudly on the tile] and tells them both to knock it off.
The thing is though, no matter how loud the word war - I know what they know - they will always be there for one another. ALWAYS. Deep down [sometimes way, way deep down] these two gentle giants of mine are still the boys that used to leap off the couch together, laughing hysterically as they landed on the floor in a large pile of pillows. They still look out for each other and will even split the last french-fry on the tray from the oven. It's sometimes even a comfort to me when they start to intentionally invade each other's personal space.
When you have exciting news or something sad to share, who is the first person you think of with which to share it? A parent? A spouse? A best-friend or a brother?
Whatever role that important person plays in your life you can rest assured that Jesus is even more reliable. Even more interested. Even more excited with you and aches with you even deeper when things don't go well. Proverbs reminds us that Jesus is closer - even closer than a brother. He'll stick, even better than glue.
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